In any organisation/company all business operation transactions are done and regulated via documents. For eg:- Invoice for sale and purchase, Debit note/Credit note for purchase return/Sale return etc. Payment or receipt is done on the basis of the unique Vendor/Customer wise document. For eg:- Receipt on the basis of Sale invoice given to customer and payment on the basis of Vendor invoice. In ERP there are modules to record these transactions. For eg:- Sale module for recording sale transaction and Purchase module for recording purchase transaction. Since booking of transactions are done in ERP, therefore respective payment/receipt also need to be recorded for complete visibility and transparency. Therefore, while doing a payment/receipt entry in ERP for any Vendor or Customer there is an option to adjust/link parent document based on which payment/receipt is done.
- Depreciation
- Doubtful Accounts or Bad Debts, and other allowances
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title | Create Add Document Adjustment |
Prerequisites- The users' role must have access to the Document Adjustment feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Journal.
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps: - Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Journal > Document Adjustment.
- Document Adjustment module will open.
- Click on Add button.
- Adjustment Entry window will open.
- You will get Adjusted Document section in the main form.
- Adjusted Document: You will get three options - Auto Setup for FIFO, Select Document and Auto Setoff Site wise on FIFO basis.
- Auto Setup for FIFO:
- On clicking on this option, system will give a message if data is there in the grid - “All previously adjusted data will get removed and re-populate on FIFO Basis. Do you want to proceed?“
- If you click on Yes, the grid will be cleared and then the documents will be populated in the grid based on FIFO logic with Document No., Document Date, Reference No., Actual Amount, Adjusted Amount etc.
- Select Document:
- On clicking on this option, you can select the documents manually as per your preference.
- Auto Setoff Site wise on FIFO basis:
- On clicking on this option, system will give a message if data is there in the grid -“All previously adjusted data will get removed and re-populate on FIFO Basis. Do you want to proceed?“.
- If you click on Yes, the grid will be cleared and then the documents will be populated in the grid based on FIFO logic with Document No., Document Date, Reference No., Actual Amount, Adjusted Amount etc.
- Reference site details section will open with Reference Site Name, Pending Amount and Adjust Amount.
- You will get three buttons – Remove, Auto Adjust and Cancel.
- Click on the Auto Adjust button.
- You will get a message – “Validation message: “There is still '||NVL(:FINTAG_SITEWISE_ADJ.SITEADJPENDING,0)||' pending to be adjusted. Do you want to proceed?.”
- If you click on Yes, documents will be Populated with Adjust Amount in the Adjustment Document section.
- You will get three options- Auto Setup for FIFO, Select Document and Auto Setoff Site wise on FIFO basis.
- Click on the Ok button to complete the adjustment.