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titleCopy Voucher


titleCopy Voucher LOV population logic and details displayed

Note: Only AP vouchers belonging to the connected site's OU within the accounting year of the entry date will be displayed. The following details of the previous AP vouchers will be displayed - 

  • Voucher Number
  • Voucher Date
  • Cash/Bank Name
  • Payment Amt (Cr)
  • On Account
  • Created On
    Sample: 08/04/2020 12:25:27 PM


Account Payable voucher is used to record outflow of cash/bank for sub ledgers against a document and even in case of advance where there is no specific document. This article describes the process of managing Account Payable or AP Voucher


titleAdd AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:


Account Payable voucher is used to record outflow of cash/bank for sub ledgers against a document and even in case of advance where there is no specific document. This article describes the process of managing Account Payable or AP Voucher

titleAdd AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Click on Add button.

  4. Add: AP Voucher Details window will open.

    Image Added

  5. You will get group of icons at the top right corner of the window.

    Image Added

    1. The icons name from left to right are - Expand All, Collapse All, Print Document Report, Attachments, Clear Form and Open Side Panel.

      1. Expand All: Clicking on this icon, all the sections will be Expand if they are collapsed.

      2. Collapse All: Clicking on this icon, all the sections will be Closed if they are expanded.

      3. Print Document Report: Clicking on the Down Arrow beside this icon, you will get Print Preference option with already created Report File Template. This option is used to print document.

      4. Attachments: You can Upload some required documents from this option.

      5. Clear Form: Clicking on this icon, you can Clear all the data already entered.
      6. Open Side Panel: Clicking on this, you will get the details of the current AP Voucher.

  6. You will get four section in the AP Voucher main form - Document Information, Sub Ledger Information, Payment Information.

  7. Document Information:

    Image Added

    1. Select the Owner Site (Mandatory Field) for which you want to create the AP Voucher.

    2. Select a Voucher No. (Mandatory Field) it is the document numbering scheme which is already created.

    3. Select the Cash/Bank (Mandatory Field) from the lookup window.

    4. Balance will be populated as per Cash/Bank selection.

    5. System Date will be populated in the Date field (Mandatory Field).

    6. On Account field has two option - Yes & No.

    7. You can put in Reference.

    8. You can choose Remarks  from the drop-down list.

  8. Sub Ledger Information:

    Image Added

    1. Click on the Add icon to add new row Sub Ledger. 

    2. Select the Sub Ledger.

    3. The selected Sub Ledger will be populated with Sub Ledger IdSub Ledger Class NameGeneral Ledger, Narration, Reference Site, Amount etc.

    4. If you click on the Image Added button left side of the populated Sub Ledger, you will get a drop down list. 

    5. You will get Delete Record option.

      1. Delete Record: You can delete the populated Sub Ledger from the list as per your requirement.

  9. Payment Information:

    Image Added

    1. Select the Payment Mode from the drop down list. 

    2. Put in the Instrument No., Cheque Level, Instrument Date and Reference.

  10. You can put in User Defined Fields as per requirement. 

  11. Click on the Save button to save AP Voucher. You will get a message - "<AP Voucher No.> Created Successfully."

titleCopy Voucher

You can copy vouchers from existing voucher in only Add mode. Steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the Copy button.

  2. A Copy Voucher window will open. 

    Image Added

    titleCopy Voucher LOV population logic and details displayed

    Note: Only AP vouchers belonging to the connected site's OU within the accounting year of the entry date will be displayed. The following details of the previous AP vouchers will be displayed - 

    • Voucher Number
    • Voucher Date
    • Cash/Bank Name
    • Payment Amt (Cr)
    • On Account
    • Created On
      Sample: 08/04/2020 12:25:27 PM

  3. On selecting the transaction to copy, you will get a message: ”This action will clear the transaction and all details (excluding payment details) will be copied. Do you want to proceed?

  4. If you click on Yes (default selected), the existing data will be cleared.

  5. The selected voucher details will be populated in the following fields - 

    1. Header Information-

      1. Cash/Bank 

      2. Reference 

      3. Remarks

      4. On Account

    2. All detail rows:

      1. Sub ledger

      2. AR/AP Ledger

      3. GL Group Name

      4. Reference Site

      5. Ledger Narration

      6. Amount (Dr)

    3. TDS details (if applicable):

      1. TDS Source

      2. TDS Name

      3. Section

      4. TDS Agency

      5. TDS rate %

      6. TDS Amount

      7. Gross Payable

      8. TDS applicable amount

      9. Net Payable

    4. All UDF Details (if currently enabled)

titleEdit AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Edit app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

  2. AP Voucher must be created.

  3. Voucher must be Un-Posted.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.
  4. Select the Voucher No. from the list.

  5. Go to Action > Edit.

  6. All others details will be populated in the particular fields. 

  7. Modify the required fields as per your requirement.

  8. Click on the Save button to save modified AP Voucher. You will get a message - "<AP Voucher No.> Updated Successfully."

titleDelete AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

  2. AP Voucher must be created.

  3. Voucher must be Un-Posted.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.

  4. Select the Voucher No. from the list.

  5. Go to Action > Delete.

  6. You will get a message - "Document once deleted cannot be retrieved. Do you want to delete this document?"

  7. If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message "<AP Voucher No.> - Deleted Successfully".

titleRelease AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Edit enabling Release app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

  2. AP Voucher must be created.

  3. Voucher must be Un-Posted.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.
    Select the Voucher No. from the list.
    Go to Action > Edit.
    All others details will be populated in the particular fields. 
    Modify the required fields as per your requirement.
  4. Click on the Save button to save modified AP Voucher.
  5. .

  6. Select the Voucher No. from the list.

  7. Go to Action > Release.

  8. You will get a message - "Document(s) once released cannot be modified. Do you want to proceed?"

  9. <AP
  10. If you click on 
  11. "
  12. Yes, you will get a confirmation message "<AP Voucher No.>
  13.  Updated
  14. - Released Successfully ".
  15. "

titleDelete Revert AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Delete enabling Revert app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

  2. AP Voucher must be created.
  3. Voucher must be Un-Posted.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.

  4. Select the Voucher No. from the list.

  5. Go to Action > DeleteRevert.

  6. You will get a message - "Document once deleted cannot be retrieved. Finance postings of the selected document(s) will be reverted. Do you want to delete this documentproceed?"

  7. If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message "<AP Voucher No.> - Deleted Reverted Successfully".

titleRelease Print AP Voucher


  1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Release  Print app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

  2. AP Voucher must be created.
  3. Printer must be  Un-Postedconnected and installed.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

  2. AP Voucher module will open.

  3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.

  4. Select the Voucher No. from the list.

  5. Go to Action > ReleasePrint.

  6. You will get a message - "Document(s) once released cannot be modified. Do you want to proceed?"
    If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message "<AP Voucher No.> - Released Successfully "previously created template.

  7. Click on the required template to print.

  8. A new window will open.

  9. The document will be printed. 


    Note: You can print using Print Preference.


New columns have been added for better financial functionality from version 12.6.6 onwards

The columns are - 

  • Payment Mode
  • Instrument No.
  • Instrument Date
  • Cheque Label
  • Reference
  • BRS Date


Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards.


The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Print app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.
AP must be created.
  • Printer must be connected and installed.
  • Step-by-step guide

    The process is divided in the following steps:
    Go to Ginesys Web> Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.
    AP Voucher module will open.
    Previously created vouchers will be listed here.
    Select the Voucher No. from the list.
    Go to Action > Print.
    You will get previously created template.
    Click on the required template to print.
    A new window will open.
    The document will be printed. 
    titleRevert AP VoucherWorkbench


    1. The users' role must have access to the AP Voucher feature by enabling Revert  Workbench app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Finance - Operations - Vouchers.

    2. AP Voucher must be created.
      Voucher must be Posted.

    Step-by-step guide

    The process is divided in the following steps:

    Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards.
    1. Go to Ginesys Web> Finance Web > Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher.

    2. AP Voucher module will open.

    3. Previously created vouchers will be listed here.
      Select the Voucher No. from the list.
    4. Go to Action > RevertWorkbench.
      You will get a message - "Finance postings of the selected document(s) will be reverted. Do you want to proceed?"
    5. If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message "<AP Voucher No.> - Reverted Successfully".
    titlePrint AP Voucher

    Note: You can print using Print Preference.


    New columns have been added for better financial functionality from version 12.6.6 onwards

    The columns are - 

    • Payment Mode
    • Instrument No.
    • Instrument Date
    • Cheque Label
    • Reference
    • BRS Date

    1. Workbench window will open.

      Image Added

    2. You will get three section in the AP Workbench main form - Search Criteria, Vendor Information and Document Information.

    3. Search Criteria:
      1. Put in the Search Criteria like AR/AP Ledger, Vendor, Applicable Date Range, Owner Site etc.
      2. Click on the Search button. 

    4. Vendor Information:
      1. Vendor Name, Agent, Class, Balance, Payment etc will be populated in the Vendor Information section as per the search criteria.

    5. Document Information:
      1. Document No., Type, Entry Date, Application Date, Due Date etc will be populated as per the populated vendor.

    6. Select the document for which you want to make payment.

    7. Click on the Process Payment button to make the payment. 

    8. Cash Discount Calculator window will open.
      1. Invoice Amount, Application Amount, Eligible Period will be populated.
      2. Put in the Discount Amount, Discount Percentage and Scheme Document No.

    9. Click on the Ok button to finish the discount Process and payment process.

    10. You will get a message - "<Payment No.> saved successfully."