Once the master is created, it will also be shown under Procurement → Setup → Vendors → Vendor, so that user can also create Service invoice in the same sub ledger.
What is the significance of “Is marketplace“ flag in
Channel Master?
This flag is only applicable for integration flow. If channel type is marketplace then MOP mapping is not allowed in the master because accounting will not be done at an order level. Reason being, settlement is done from the channel directly and not on MOP basis. Where as if channel type is non-marketplace, tagging of MOP is mandatory because for all prepaid orders accounting will get impacted at order level and further reconciliation of payments can even be done at MOP level.
Note: Orders that are assigned to stores will not be reflecting under this menu. It could only be visible on OMS (Browntape) panel.
Recalculate Tax is marked as “YES” in Channel
Master but tax has not been recalculated?
Check for E-invoice details in retail invoice, if it is present then re-calculate tax will not happen, because once the IRN is generated for the invoice, any changes in such invoices is not allowed.