Petty Cash Heads keep account of day to day running expenses and adhoc receivables amount in a store. HO create the Petty Cash Head and send it to the particular store. This article describes how to Manage Petty Cash Head in Ginesys HO.

titleAdd Petty Cash Head


  1. The users' role must have access to the Petty Cash Head feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Retail Management Desktop POS Manager- Setup- configure.
  2. Site must be created in the site master.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Retail Management > Desktop POS Manager > Setup > Configure > Petty Cash Head.
  2. Petty Cash Head module opens.
  3. Click on Add button.
  4. Petty Cash Head window opens. There are two tabs - a) Petty Cash Head and b) Site Allocation.

    1. Petty Cash Head:

      1. Put in a name for the Head (mandatory field) of petty cash.
      2. Select the required Mode from the three modes present in the form - Payment, Receipt and Any.

        • Payment Mode: When we create a petty cash head for some expenses of a store, then we select Payment mode. For example, cleaning or decoration expenses of a store.
        • Receipt Mode: When we create a petty cash head for some receivable amount in a store, then we select Receipt mode. For example, selling off the junk, like old magazines, gathered in a store.
        • Any Mode: When we create a petty cash head for both expenses and receivable amount in a same head, then we select Any mode. For example, when a store maintain buying and selling magazine in a same petty cash head.

      3. You can write the description of the Petty Cash Head in the Description field. The reason of its creation, its validity or applicability etc.

    2. Site Allocation:

      1. Select the site where you want to allocate the petty cash head in the Available Site area.


        Note: Selection of at least one (1) site is mandatory.

      2. Click on the Right Arrow to assign the site.
      3. The selected site(s) will be moved to the Assigned Site area.
      4. Ledger selection is mandatory if selected mode type is Payment.

  5.  Click on Save & Close button to save the Petty Cash Head.
  6. Now Sync at HO and POS to avail the Petty Cash Head at store.


titleEdit Petty Cash Head


  1. The users' role must have access to the Petty Cash Head feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Retail Management Desktop POS Manager- Setup- configure.
  2. Petty Cash Head must be created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Retail Management > Desktop POS Manager > Setup > Configure > Petty Cash Head.
  2. Petty Cash Head module opens.
  3. You will get the list of petty cash head.
  4. Double click on the petty cash you want to edit
  5. Petty Cash window will open.
  6. Edit the required fields.
  7. Click on the Save & Close button to save the modified data. 

To go back to the main page click on the link: How To: Manage Setup in Ginesys Retail