Petty Cash Heads keep account of day to day running expenses and adhoc receivables amount in a store. HO create the Petty Cash Head and send it to the particular store. This article describes how to Manage Petty Cash Head in Ginesys HO.
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Prerequisites- The users' role must have access to the Petty Cash Head feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Retail Management Desktop POS Manager- Setup- configure.
- Site must be created in the site master.
Step-by-step guideThe steps are as follows: - Go to Retail Management > Desktop POS Manager > Setup > Configure > Petty Cash Head.
- Petty Cash Head module opens.
- Click on Add button.
- Petty Cash Head window opens. There are two tabs - a) Petty Cash Head and b) Site Allocation.

- Petty Cash Head:

- Put in a name for the Head (mandatory field) of petty cash.
Select the required Mode from the three modes present in the form - Payment, Receipt and Any. Tip |
- Payment Mode: When we create a petty cash head for some expenses of a store, then we select Payment mode. For example, cleaning or decoration expenses of a store.
- Receipt Mode: When we create a petty cash head for some receivable amount in a store, then we select Receipt mode. For example, selling off the junk, like old magazines, gathered in a store.
- Any Mode: When we create a petty cash head for both expenses and receivable amount in a same head, then we select Any mode. For example, when a store maintain buying and selling magazine in a same petty cash head.
- You can write the description of the Petty Cash Head in the Description field. The reason of its creation, its validity or applicability etc.
- Site Allocation:

Select the site where you want to allocate the petty cash head in the Available Site area. Tip |
Note: Selection of at least one (1) site is mandatory. |
- Click on the Right Arrow to assign the site.
- The selected site(s) will be moved to the Assigned Site area.
- Ledger selection is mandatory if selected mode type is Payment.
- Click on Save & Close button to save the Petty Cash Head.
- Now Sync at HO and POS to avail the Petty Cash Head at store.
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title | Edit Petty Cash Head |
Prerequisites- The users' role must have access to the Petty Cash Head feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Retail Management Desktop POS Manager- Setup- configure.
- Petty Cash Head must be created.
Step-by-step guideThe steps are as follows: - Go to Retail Management > Desktop POS Manager > Setup > Configure > Petty Cash Head.
- Petty Cash Head module opens.
- You will get the list of petty cash head.
- Double click on the petty cash you want to edit
- Petty Cash window will open.
 - Edit the required fields.
- Click on the Save & Close button to save the modified data.
To go back to the main page click on the link: How To: Manage Setup in Ginesys Retail