Account Payable voucher is used to record outflow of cash/bank for sub ledgers against a document and even in case of advance where there is no specific document. This article describes the process of managing Account Payable or AP Voucher.
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
New columns have been added for better financial functionality from version 12.6.6 onwards The columns are -
Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards. |
AP Voucher also known as Accounts Payable Voucher is used to make payments to the accounts associated with the company. AP Workbench is a wizard which allows the creation of multiple AP Vouchers simultaneously. AP workbench helps users in making bulk payment for multiple vendors from a single window in a single go; So AP workbench is used for fast and easy payment in bulk. If the organization has an internal SOP where they pay all vendors weekly or daily or monthly then they can easily use this workbench.Prerequisites
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps: