GET Company Details

GET Company Details

This call allows you to get some important data about the company which is useful for further calls. No explicit company ID needs to be passed to this call, it will pick up those details from the  tokens passed.

End Point


Parameters to be passed

?username=XXX &auth_string=YYYYYYYYY


{ "success": "true", "data": { "Company": { "id": "2", "title": "Spurline Stores", "created": "2012-07-02 17:52:37", "modified": "2016-07-28 05:00:02", "address_line1": "F-1, Bird's Eye Building", "address_line2": "Home in the Woods Colony", "address_line3": "Porvorim - Socorro", "city": "Bardez", "state": "Goa", "country": "India", "zip": "403521", "description": "Gurpreet's company", "number_of_employees": "1", "invoice_text": "We hope that you like the items that you have received. If there is anything about your products that you are not happy with, please let us know using the contact details below and we will be happy to help you.\r\n\r\nWe would be grateful for your positive feedback about our service.\r\n\r\n\r\nThank you for your business, we hope to see you again soon!", "email_from_name": null, "primary_email": "care@spurline.in", "email_bcc": "gurpreet@browntape.com; piyush@browntape.com; kalpesh@spurline.in", "email_reply_to": "care@spurline.in", "is_active": "1", "fy_start_month": "4", "label_barcode_state": "1", "label_phone_state": "1", "label_from_address_state": "1", "label_comment": "http://Browntape.com is live in India", "logo_path": null, "enable_invoice_number_generation": "1" }, "Channel": [ { "id": "13", "title": "gnurpreetsingh", "username": "gnurpreetsingh", "site_id": "203", "email": "gnurpreet@gmail.com", "email_from_name": "", "email_bcc": "", "is_active": "0", "stock_sync": "0", "created": "2012-10-28 11:18:09", "modified": "2016-08-03 06:07:49", "last_polled": "2016-07-28 22:25:51", "last_polled_sku": "2016-03-08 00:01:52", "is_ebay_cbt_flag": "0", "channel_fulfillment_enabled": "0", "token": "AgAAAA**AQAAAA**aAAAAA**MK7cVA**nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6AEmYukAZOGoQ+dj6x9nY+seQ**", "channel_type_id": "1", "company_id": "2", "ChannelType": { "id": "1", "title": "eBay", "created": "2013-09-30 10:36:06", "modified": "2013-07-29 00:00:00", "description": "The world's number one auction site.", "has_customer_email": "1", "favicon_path": "/img/icons/icon_favebay.png" } }, { "id": "43", "title": "Shopclues", "username": "gurpreet@spurline.in", "site_id": null, "email": null, "email_from_name": "", "email_bcc": "", "is_active": "0", "stock_sync": "0", "created": "2013-05-01 11:13:24", "modified": "2016-08-03 06:07:49", "last_polled": "2016-07-28 22:22:08", "last_polled_sku": "2016-07-28 18:34:56", "is_ebay_cbt_flag": "0", "channel_fulfillment_enabled": "0", "token": "Spurline Store", "channel_type_id": "8", "company_id": "2", "ChannelType": { "id": "8", "title": "ShopClues", "created": "2013-09-30 10:36:43", "modified": "2013-08-07 00:00:00", "description": null, "has_customer_email": "0", "favicon_path": "/img/icons/icon_favshopclues.png" } } ], "User": [ { "id": "2", "username": "gurpreet@browntape.com", "email": "gurpreet@browntape.com", "first_name": "gurpreet", "last_name": "singh", "phone": "9822774646", "modified": "2016-08-04 06:59:28", "created": "2013-06-01 00:00:00", "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata", "currency_id": "63", "company_id": "2", "Currency": { "abbreviation": "INR", "name": "Indian Rupee", "symbol": "₹", "rate": "67.1751" }, "currency_name": "Indian Rupee" }, { "id": "3", "username": "piyushgoel", "email": "piyush@scrobbld.com", "first_name": "piyush", "last_name": "goel", "phone": null, "modified": "2014-11-05 10:42:14", "created": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "timezone": "", "currency_id": null, "company_id": "2", "Currency": [ ] } ], "Warehouse": [ { "id": "1920", "title": "default warehouse", "is_default": "1", "created": "2014-12-03 03:52:36", "company_id": "2", 'external_warehouse_code': null, "WarehousingCompany.standard_tag": "gatifulfillmentservice"//thisfielddenotesifthewarehouseisconnectedtoathirdpartywarehousingserviceprovider }, { "id": "1927", "title": "kanpur", "is_default": "0", "created": "2014-12-04 11:42:36", "company_id": "2", 'external_warehouse_code': 'HYD', "WarehousingCompany.standard_tag": "amazonfba" } ], "TaxRule": [ { "id": "1", "price_from": "0", "price_to": "1000000", "product_or_sku": "Default Product", "pf_or_sku_id": "0", "warehouse_id": "1", "vat": "5", "cst": "5", "is_sku": "0", "is_default": "1", "company_id": "2", "is_active": "0", "created": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "modified": null }, { "id": "3173", "price_from": "0", "price_to": "0", "product_or_sku": "SG007", "pf_or_sku_id": "422896", "warehouse_id": "1", "vat": "5", "cst": "5", "is_sku": "1", "is_default": "0", "company_id": "2", "is_active": "1", "created": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "modified": null } ], "CompaniesModule": [ { "id": "3629", "company_id": "2", "module_id": "1", "is_enabled": "1", "created": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "modified": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "module_title": "shipping", "module_redirect_controller": "shipping_batches" }, { "id": "3630", "company_id": "2", "module_id": "2", "is_enabled": "1", "created": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "modified": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "module_title": "inventory", "module_redirect_controller": "skus" }, { "id": "3631", "company_id": "2", "module_id": "3", "is_enabled": "1", "created": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "modified": "2016-08-03 07:54:59", "module_title": "tally sync", "module_redirect_controller": null }, { "id": "3632", "company_id": "2", "module_id": "4", "is_enabled": "1", "created": "2016-04-19 15:36:30", "modified": "2016-08-03 07:55:01", "module_title": "remittance", "module_redirect_controller": "remittances" } ] } }

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