Allocate E-Way Bill Report on G-POS (Store)

Allocate E-Way Bill Report on G-POS (Store)

Allocate E-Way Bill Report on G-POS (Store)

  • This report has been deployed in Ginesys Version:- HO 12.17.4 & POS 2.17.3. 
    Note -: Client having older version have to upgrade to make E-way bill directly from POS .

Steps to allocate the report on POS Level


  1. On the Desktop, search for POS Icon > Select and Right click on it > Click on Open File Location




  1. Now search and open POS Analytics with administrator rights.



  1. Click on stock > Import.



  1. Now search for the Report name :- EMG E-way bill Consignment Transfer, select it and click on Import.

  1. The message will pop up that the File has been imported successfully.



  1. Now Login to Ginesys Web HO > POS Management > Setup > Site and click on the site to find its Master Allocation Group.


  1. Now Go to Group Mapping Option and in the below screenshot we can see that group name is Allocation group. Copy the name.

  1. Go to the Allocation group Option and open that Allocation Group

  1. Once it gets open, click on Analytic Report Layout, select the EMG E-way bill report and click on the right arrow button to move on the right side.


 10. Now once the file gets allocated, now click on Save & Close.


11. Open the POS and check for the sync Events. The event will be visible as Allocation Change.



12. Now the Report will be visible on POS.










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