Release Note 2.18.0

Release Note 2.18.0


To know the ERP changes go to - Release Note 12.18.0


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Bifurcation of User security for POS E-invoice


POS - Transactions - Goods Return - GST E-Invoice Details

POS - Transactions - Bill Modification - GST E-Invoice Details

Enhancement Summary

Current Working

  • When user is given right to “Manage GST E-Invoice Details” under app operation, there is no bifurcation between operation. i.e. user can

    • Generate IRN

    • Cancel IRN


With this release, we have bifurcated the user security with relation to E-invoice in POS, so that the privilege for Generation and Cancellation of E-invoice could be separately restricted at user level.

Transition handling: In this update, existing users with access to "Manage GST E-Invoice Details" will have access to both the new app operations auto-enabled, ensuring a seamless transition to the refined security protocols.



Allow to Re-push failed documents from the Ginesys POS for E-Invoice


POS - Transactions - Bill Modification - GST E-Invoice Details

Enhancement summary

Users would be able to correct and re-push the data for generation of E-Invoice from the POS itself.



Other Enhancements

In the “GST E-invoice details” window, the Cancel button has been renamed to Close


POS - Transactions - Goods Return - GST E-Invoice Details

POS - Transactions - Bill Modification - GST E-Invoice Details

Enhancement Summary

The Cancel button has been renamed to Close.

The cancel button for Windows, not the IRN cancel button.


GRT revert is now possible even after the IRN is generated on the GRT and it is synced to the ERP and then IRN is cancelled from POS


Ginesys POS - Backoffice - Transaction - Goods Return - GST E-Invoice Details


Once the IRN is cancelled at POS for GRT document, then cancellation will get updated in the ERP via sync, so as to enable the ERP user to revert the GRT from ERP. Currently if the IRN is generated on the GRT and it is synced to the ERP then revert is not possible even after cancellation of IRN from POS.


More visibility has been provided to the E-invoice related information in the list view

Ginesys POS - Backoffice - Transaction - Goods Return
Ginesys POS - Backoffice - POS Control - Bill Modification




Enhancements in Promotions

Item Level Promotion (Value based slab benefit): Common items in ‘Buy’ and ‘Get’ pools

Current Working

Presently, if all items are common in ‘Buy’ and ‘Get’ pools of the promotion, Eg.
“Buy “Men's Wear” for Rs.5000/- or above and Get a “Men’s T-Shirt” for Rs.99/- only” (Here, all items under “Men’s T-Shirt” are also included in “Men’s Wear”)
These types of promotions doesn’t gets resolved and system shows a message for “Benefit Missing” even if all requirements of the promotion are satisfied.

Enhancement All such promotions would get resolved

Bill Level Promotion: Choice of Benefit

Background and Current Working

Nowadays, many business houses offers a choice of benefit to their customers.


  1. Single slab:
    ”Buy for Rs.10,000/- or above and Get a Boat Bluetooth Speaker worth Rs.3999/- @ Rs.1999/- OR Get a Tommy Hilfiger Suitcase worth Rs.6999/- at Rs.2999/-”

Currently, this type of promotion couldn’t be defined in Ginesys. Rather, we can give choice only when the discounted price is same, i.e., Rs.1999/- or Rs.2999/- for both the items.

  1. Multiple slabs:
    “Buy Men’s Wear for Rs.5,000/- or above and Get a Men’s T-Shirt @Rs.99/- only
    Buy Men’s Wear for Rs.10,000/- or above and Get a Men’s Jeans @Rs.299/- only”
    Mr. A has shopped for Rs.10,500/-. Since he is qualified for benefits of both the slabs, he wants the Men’s T-Shirt @Rs.99/- and not Men’s Jeans @Rs.299/-

Currently, we can’t offer choice of benefits for all the qualified slabs to Mr. A. Rather, we can only offer him a Men’s Jeans @Rs.299/-.


Now, users can create multiple bill level promotions according to their needs and select the desired bill level promotion at the time of making POS Bill.

Considering the examples above, now users can offer choice of benefit to their customers by defining promotions in the manner mentioned below:

  1. Single slab:

  2. Multiple slabs:

Note: If entities wish to offer choice of benefits to their customers, then they need to define multiple promotions for it as choice of benefit is between multiple promotions and not between multiple slabs of same promotion.

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