Adding, Editing, Cancelling & Printing Stock Reservation

Adding, Editing, Cancelling & Printing Stock Reservation

Stock is the amount of goods available with an organization for disbursal to sites. Stock Reservation is simply asking the warehouse to set aside items for future use, like sales or transfers. It guarantees stock availability when needed later on.

If this disbursal is against orders, it was often found that an X amount of stock which should have gone to Site A was mistakenly sent to Site B and consequently Site A's order could not be honored on time. Stock Reservation feature in GINESYS allows its users, to block the stock against an order.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Stock Reservation feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. The bins must be present.

  3. Items to be adjusted must be present in the bin.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Inventory - WMS - Transactions - Stock Reservation. This will open the Stock Reservation module.

  2. Click on the New Reservation button. This will open the Stock Reservation window.

  3. Fill in the search criteria section. You may choose from the criteria like - Date From, Order Type, Site Type, Pending Qty. From, Site and Customer

  4. Once done, click on the Search button.

  5. Select  the order you want to reserve and double click on it. This will open the Stock Reservation- Order Wise window and display the details of the order. Here you can also see the Pending Qty., Available Stock and Reserve Qty.

  6. In the Reserve Qty column, enter the amount you want to reserve.

  7. Then click on the Reserve button.

  8. Reservation No.: <Reservation number> generated successfully. - message will be displayed on the screen. 


  1. The users' role must have access to the Edit app operation in the Stock Reservation feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select a stock reservation record and click the Edit option (from the Action menu) or double click on it. It will open the Edit Stock Reservation window, which is similar to the New Reservation - Stock Reservation window.

  2. You cannot edit any of the details in the window, except for the Reservation Remarks field. Rest of the fields are view only.

  3. Once done, click on the Save button.

The Simplified and automated flow for Stock Reservation cancellation

Scenario wise explanation is mentioned below:

  • Scenario 1 - Cancellation before pick list creation

    • Previous flow: Go to reservation list view, select the reservation, click on cancel and do the cancellation as required.

    • New flow:

      • It’s exactly same as previous flow.

      • Only difference is that the cancel reservation window UI has been changed.
        User will have to go to the tab “Available to cancel“ in the reservation cancellation window.

  • Scenario 2 - Cancellation after pick list creation (but not picked/cancelled)

    • Previous flow: Cancel picklist, then cancel reservation (scenario 1).

    • New flow:

      • It’s exactly same as previous flow.

      • Only difference is that the cancel reservation window UI has been changed. User will have to go to the tab “Available to cancel“ in the reservation cancellation window.
        Note: If the picklist is not cancelled / confirmed, the pick list is considered in a “WIP” stage. So the pick list details will be shown in the reservation cancellation window’s “Pick list in-progress“ tab. The user will first need to cancel the pick list and then proceed with reservation cancellation. We have not automated this due to the fact that pick list might be in the floor and can create operational bottlenecking.

  • Scenario 3 - Cancellation after pick list creation and confirmed

    • Previous flow: Reduce pick list confirm quantity, cancel pick list, cancel reservation (scenario 1), do Take Away (to move to floor), do Put Away

    • New flow:

      • We have automated the entire previous flow and restricted the reduction of pick list confirm quantity (due to movement to pack bin).

      • Now the user just need to visit the reservation screen, select the reservation and click on cancel.

      • The user will then need to visit the tab “Confirmed Picklist“, provide quantity to be cancelled and click on “free stock”.

      • The following will get recorded in the system automatically: Pick list confirm cancellation, pick list cancellation, reservation cancellation and movement of stock to floor stockpoint.

      • User can do Put Away to which ever bin is available.

  • Scenario 4 - Cancellation after pick list creation, confirmed and packed

    • Previous flow: Cancel packet, reduce pick list confirm qty, cancel pick list, cancel reservation, do Take Away (to move to floor), do Put Away

    • New flow:

      • Cancel packet

      • Then follow the new flow of Scenario 3.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Cancel app operation in the Stock Reservation feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Stock Reservation which is already picked or cancelled, cannot be cancelled.


  1. Select a stock reservation record and click on the Cancel option (from the Action menu). The Cancel Stock Reservation window opens.

  2. You can edit only 2 fields in this window. They are - Cancel Quantity and Cancellation Reason.

  3. If you want to cancel a particular item, then go to the Cancel Qty column and type in the number of items you are cancelling. If you want to cancel all the items, then use the Populate All button.

  4. You may provide a Cancellation Reason. Once done, then click on the Cancel Reservation button.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Cancel - For Cancelled Orders app operation in the Stock Reservation feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Stock Reservation which is already picked or cancelled, cannot be cancelled.


  1. Go to Inventory > WMS > Transactions > Stock Reservation.

  2. Go to Action > Cancel - For Cancelled Orders.

  3. Pending Reservation Cancellation window will be opened.

  4. There will be 3 tabs - Pick List in Progress , Available to Cancel & Confirmed Pick List.

    1. Pick List in Progress - It is a view page only. Here you can see Reservation No, Order No, Pick List in Progress Quantity, Order Cancel Quantity etc.

    2. Available to Cancel -

      1. Here you will get the information like - Reservation No, Order No, Item Quantity, Reserved Quantity, Reservation Cancellable Quantity, Reservation Cancel Quantity. Here user can only modify Reservation Cancel Quantity.

      2. Then click on Free Reserved Stock and a confirmation message will be popped up - "Reservation Stock once freed cannot be retrieved. Do you want to proceed?"

      3. If you click Yes then the stock will be free.

    3. Confirmed Pick List - 

      1. Here you will get the information like - Reservation No, Order No, Item Quantity, Reserved Quantity, Cancellable Quantity, Cancel Quantity. Here user can only modify Cancel Quantity.

      2. Then click on Cancel Reservation and a confirmation message will be popped up - "I confirm that, I have moved the selected item’s stock from packing area to the floor area."

      3. If you click Yes then the stock will be free.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Print app operation in the Stock Reservation feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select a Stock Reservation record and click on the Print option (from the Actions menu).

To go back to the main page click on How To: Manage the transactions in WMS

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