Release Note 11.151.6

Release Note 11.151.6


Release Date

16 January 2020

HO Version11.151.6
POS Version1.151.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements07
Bug Fixes01

Alert: Check before update

Note: Ginesys recommends that users take a full backup before every update.

Printing Document Reports for Transactions moved from Ginesys Desktop to Ginesys Web

Note: After the update, once the Modules are moved to the Ginesys Web Application, users can print the document reports for the transferred modules from Ginesys Desktop at the following path:

Admin - Utilities - Print Document.

Important: Web Report related information

  • Web reports configuration is required to view available web reports. Reports need to be tagged with the menu of relevant modules (Admin > Utilities > Report Template). 
  • Existing reports can be view from the desktop application (Admin > Utilities > Print Document)
  • A new report template - DevEx format is introduced. These reports can be tagged with the menu from the Web Application (Admin > Utilities > Report Template).
  • In case of any customised reports, user are requested to log separate support tickets.
  • Currently, Matrix Reports are not supported in the Web Application.

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


Delivery Challan has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application with several features 


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Adhoc

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Order

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Reservation

Enhancement Summary:

The Sales and Distribution module is being migrated to Ginesys Web. The first operation to be migrated is Delivery Challan. When goods are being transported from one place to another, Delivery Challans are sent along with the shipment of goods. They contain the details of items and quantity of goods being delivered. 

The following points are salient features of all three types of Delivery Challan available in Ginesys (Adhoc, Against Order and Against Reservation) - 

  1. User Role privileges has now become app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. App Operation also added for Print Packet Barcode and Cancel Challan. These actions are no more menu dependent.
    (After update, respective operation needs to be assigned to user roles to allow such actions.)
  3. Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been added. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed while creating. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  4. Auto Sales Invoice/Transfer Out creation option has been enabled. On saving Delivery Challan, Auto Sales Invoice / Transfer Out will be generated if the user profile setting - ‘Allow Auto Creation of Sales Invoice and Transfer Out’ - is enabled.
  5. New panel has been added for Packet information, shows the list of all packets which have been generated for the session. It is placed beside the panel information where small cards containing DC details are displayed. By default, this is a hidden collapsible section which expands on saving of a challan.

    Packet Panel Display

    Note: It will only be shown in Add mode.

  6. User can now track Challan - Modified By and Modified On.
  7. Credit Limit validation has been made global, i.e. we are not considering OU wise credit limit, rather it is to be calculated as a whole irrespective of the OU.
  8. The Panel information provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Customer Details and Customer Statistics.
    1. Document Summary is a snapshot of:
      1. The number of items in the document
      2. The total quantity to be delivered, etc.
      3. Applicable Pricelist
    2. Customer Details is a snapshot of the entry in the Customer site information against the selected customer. The salient points include:
      1. GST details
      2. Communication details – Address, phone no., etc.
      3. Financial terms – Trade group, Credit Details.
    3. Customer Statistics is a snapshot of the financial status of the customer in relation to the Ginesys user. In other words, it shows the amount of outstanding the customer has from the user or the balance left over after adjustments etc.
  9. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are three (3) sub-sections to it:
    1. Grid Tool Bar – This is the section at the top of the item grid.
      1. All the function buttons for item selection like Select Item etc. have become menu options in the Grid Tool Bar. The user can choose to pin them out separately.
    2. Grid Actions – This is the section which is at the left hand side of the grid. Here are two buttons:
      1. Allow Selection, which enables selection of one or more rows from the item grid.
      2. The other button below it, Delete, deletes the selected rows.
    3. Grid Row Menu – This appears on the left of each item in the grid, in the form of three dots ().
      Options provided here are View Properties, Delete w.r.t. each Record.
    4. In Item grid filter option has been added to filter items having Error/Warning rows.
  10. Print Packet Barcode option has been provided with greater flexibility with provision for printing multiple packet barcodes from list view or while modifying document.
  11. Cancel Challan can now be done from respective menu of Deliveries. Document can also be cancelled from Edit mode also via icon provided in header panel.
  12. Introduction of lookup option with Hotkey F2, similar to desktop application has been introduced.
  13. Option for Document attachment has been provided with transaction entries. Count of attached documents can also be identified from list page.
  14. User Defined Fields(Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced as-is in Delivery - Adhoc web module.
  15. Price Detail window has been added in place of Allow Rate/Discount Change.

We found that many of our users do not opt for the following functionalities on a regular basis. So these behaviors are not a part of our Web offering yet:

  1. Order mode: Total items selected display
  2. Order mode: Checkbox option for selective population
  3. Order mode: lookup option for barcode field
  4. Order mode: quantity reduction with short cut
  5. Alternate mode: Matching item barcode lookup
  6. Alternate mode: Option for 'Show available stock on FIFO basis'
  7. Alternate FIFO mode option
  8. Removal of Check for previously delivered items on save of DC against order and DC against reservation

The form-specific changes are given with each form below.

To know more, go to - Managing Packing


4223 Delivery - Adhoc has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application as a separate form with several features 


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Adhoc

Enhancement Summary:

The Delivery - Adhoc has been migrated as a separate form to create Delivery Challan Adhoc without Purchase Order. 

  1. Quick Item Selection section has been introduced to scan Items directly. 
  2. Now Item Set can be scanned in Delivery - Adhoc web module through an Item and Set Toggle Button
  3. Already created items can also be imported by CSV files (Import Barcode).
  4. The Copy option, which earlier allowed for copying items from previously created other Delivery Challans, is now called Copy Challan in the menu option.

To know more, go to - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Cancelling & Printing DC - Adhoc


13601 Delivery - Against Order has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application as a separate form with several features 


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Order

Enhancement Summary:

The Delivery - Against Order has been migrated as a separate form to create Delivery Challan against Purchase Order. 

  1. There are three modes for item selection - Select Order Mode, FIFO Mode and Alternate Mode
  2. Now in Select Order Item window, users have the option of Selecting Items from Pending Orders or Selecting Pending Orders of specific items for populating items in the grid. Pending Sales Orders will be populated as per selected Transporter or Agent.
  3. Alternate (FIFO) Mode have been removed from the Delivery Challan - Against Order module in web.
  4. FIFO resolution option has been provided. This will remove all assignment of Sales Order, irrespective of how the orders were populated and will again set off the pending orders for the items.

To know more, go to - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Cancelling & Printing Delivery Challan (DC) - Against Order


16536 Delivery - Against Reservation has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application as a separate form with several features 


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Reservation

Enhancement Summary:

The Delivery - Against Reservation has been migrated as a separate form to create Delivery Challan against reserved items. 

  1. There are two modes of item selection has been provided – Select Pick List and FIFO Mode.

To know more, go to - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Cancelling & Printing Delivery Challan (DC) - Against Reservation

224463GIN- 1198

24463 Transfer Out module has been migrated to Ginesys Web Application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operation – Transfer – Transfer Out

Enhancement Summary:

Transfer Out module has been transferred to the Ginesys Web from Ginesys Desktop with various enhanced features. UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Transfer Out more user-friendly – 

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent. After update respective operation, needs to be assigned to user roles to allow such actions.
  3. Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been added. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed while creating. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  4. Quick Scan of Packet Barcode section has been introduced to scan Packet barcode directly.
  5. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are two sections – Challan Details and Item Details. Item details will be populated as per selected challan. Search challan and Import File option is provided to select challan items.
  6. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated automatically on saving.
  7. Charge Summary Block has been introduced to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.
  8. Print Preference has been added to Transfer out web module to enable Print on save option.
  9. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  10. Release and Revert action can be done from List page also. One or multiple records can be selected from the list page to perform the desired action. Applicable icons has been provided in Edit mode of the document.

  11. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been migrated as-is in Transfer Out web module.
  12. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  13. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Customer Details and Customer Statistics as in other modules.

    • Allow Release of Un-Posted Document is still remain in the profile because the Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note. It has not impact with release and revert privilege in Sales Return.
    • Form Details section has been removed from the Web module.
    • A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.

    To know more, go to Adding, Editing, Deleting, Releasing, Reverting & Printing Transfer Out (TO) in Ginesys Web


22423 Sales Invoice has been transferred to Ginesys Web Application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operation - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Enhancement Summary:

The entire Sales Invoice module has been transferred to the Ginesys Web from Ginesys Desktop with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Sales Invoice more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent.
  3. Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been added. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed while creating. It cannot be
    modified in edit mode.
  4. Quick Scan of Packet Barcode section has been introduced to scan Packet barcode directly.
  5. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are two sections – Challan Details and Item Details. Item details will be populated as per selected challan. Window for Search challan has been provided to populate items.
  6. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated authentically on saving.
  7. Charge Addition or deletion is not allowed. Modification of charge formula is also not allowed. Only change in Factor, Sign and Ledger are now allowed for populated charges.
  8. Charge Summary Block to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.
  9. Charge can be modified from three section - Hyperlink of the Charge Block, Item Charge(CTRL+ALT+G) of Challan Details block and Item Charge(CTRL+ALT+H) of Item Details block. 
  10. Sales Ledger, if defined in Sales Term, will get populated from Sales Term. In this case, Sales Ledger modification is not allowed. If no Sales Ledger is defined in Sales Term, then any non-extinct and General type of ledgers can be selected.
  11. Print Preference has been added to Sales Invoice web module to enable Print on save option.
  12. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  13. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been migrated as-is in Sales Invoice web module.
  14. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  15. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Customer Details and Customer Statistics as in other modules.

    • New profiles introduced, needs to be assigned with respective values. 
    • Allow Release of Un-Posted Document is still remain in the profile because the Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note. It has not impact with release and revert privilege in Sales Return.
    • Form Details section has been removed from the Web module.
    • A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.

To know more, go to Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Sales Invoice (SI) in Ginesys Web

426278GIN- 1200

26278 Transfer IN module has been transferred to Ginesys Web Application with several new features


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operation – Transfer – Transfer IN

Enhancement Summary:

Transfer In module has been transferred to the Ginesys Web Application from Ginesys Desktop with various enhanced features. UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Transfer In more user friendly –

Major Features:

  1. Both Transfer In (Adhoc) and Transfer In (Against Transfer Out) have been merged into single form in web application.
  2. If any (or both) of the Transfer In menu in Desktop application is assigned to the user role, then Transfer In menu in Web application will be assigned to that
    user role.

    Note: If users, with same Profile but different Roles, are assigned with different menu privileges one having role privileges for Adhoc only and other for Against Transfer Out only - then after migration, the user will have permission to create both Adhoc and against Transfer Out entry.

  3. If the same Document Numbering Scheme is used in both Transfer In (Adhoc) and Transfer In (Against Transfer Out) menu and if the Number generation
    dependency is Menu-wise,
    1. Then software update will be restricted.
      1. Either declare the document numbering scheme as 'Extinct'.
      2. Or log a ticket with Ginesys Care.
    2. Otherwise it will be allowed.
  4. If different levels of access are found in a user role for the different menus in Ginesys Desktop, after migration the role will get the lower level of access.
    Suppose in Desktop application, a User Role has Level 3 access for Transfer IN Adhoc and Level 4 access for Transfer IN against Transfer Out, then after migration, the role will get assigned as per Level 3 access; i.e, App Operation- Add, Modify and Print will be assigned to the role but Delete will not be assigned.
  5. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  6. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent. After update respective operation, needs to be assigned to user roles to allow such actions.
  7. Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been added. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed while creating. It cannot be
    modified in edit mode.
  8. Item Grid has two blocks when Transfer In is made against Transfer Out or Return from Store. i.e., Packet Details and Item Details.
  9. Packet Details block displays the list of packets selected from the Transfer Out document/GRT document. Item details block displays the packet wise list of items. In case of Transfer In ad-hoc, there will be only item details block as packet details is not applicable. Adhoc item selection - Items can be selected
    through Scan Item, Select Item, Import Barcode, Copy Transfer In.
  10. Packet selection for Transfer In against Transfer Out - Packets of a Transfer Out document can be selected through Select Packet option. Packets population either from Search Packet or from Scan Packet.
  11. Quantity of items within the selected Packets can be increased by Scan Item tool provided in Item Information block.
  12. Auto charge calculation - Charge calculation is introduced from Transfer In Adhoc in the Web application. Charge can be calculated manually using the Calculate Charge button. However, it has also been made automated on Save, if not done manually by the user before saving.
  13. Sales Ledger modification is not allowed if Sales term is having ledger tagged and modification of the term is not allowed in the user profile.
  14. Document number and other details of the Transfer Out to be tagged in the Transfer In has been put in Transfer Out Details section.
  15. Auto Generated DC button has been added in the Add and Edit mode of the window.
  16. Print Preference has been added to Transfer In web module to enable Print on save option.
  17. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  18. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been migrated as-is in Transfer In web module.
  19. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  20. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Customer Details and Customer Statistics as in other modules.

    • Allow Release of Un-Posted Document is still remain in the profile because the Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note. It has not impact with release and revert privilege in Sales Return.
    • Form Details section has been removed from the Web module.
    • A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.

To know more, go to Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Transfer In through Ginesys Web


28526 Sales Return has been transferred to Ginesys Web Application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operation - Invoicing - Sales Return

Enhancement Summary:

The entire Sales Return module has been transferred to the Ginesys Web from Ginesys Desktop with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Sales Return more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. New Profile Options are introduced –
    1. Allow generation of Multiple Returns.
    2. Document adjustment is mandatory in Sales Return.
  2. User Role privileges have now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  3. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent. After update respective operation, needs to be assigned to user roles to allow such actions.
  4. Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been added. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed while creating. It cannot be
    modified in edit mode.
  5. Menu for Sales Return – Wizard is removed. Multiple generation of Returns can now be done from the Sales Return module itself.
  6. Generation Mode toggle option has been introduced. There are two options in it - Single and Multiple. This is Profile dependent and is allowed only on creation of a return entry. On Edit, it will always be in Single model.
  7. Multiple mode of generation will create separate Sales Return entries on saving the transaction. Separate return implies a return for each Sales Invoice tagged and an one entry for all adhoc items selected. Charges and Net Amount will not be displayed, it will be calculated automatically on generation of each entry.
  8. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are two sections – Challan Details and Item Details. Item details will be populated as per selected challan.
  9. Items can be added in Manage Site through Add Items window.
  10. Items can be added in Unmanaged site through Specific Invoice, Setoff Invoice and Import File.
  11. Short/Excess for Managed Sites will be displayed in a different window, via function button provided at the bottom of the page. It might happen that all the packets are lost in transit, hence having zero return quantity. In such case items having Short/Excess will be displayed in this window.
  12. Calculation basis has been provided for Charges i.e. Calculate charge from Invoice or Calculate charge from Term. By default option for Invoice will remain selected, if return made is on Ad-hoc basis, then this will populate charges from selected Term. Header charges will always be as per Term.
  13. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. Charge can be calculated manually using the Calculate Charge button. However, it has also been made automated on Save, if not done manually by the user before saving. Two different function button is provided for charge calculation - Calculate charge from Invoice (default selected) and Calculate charge from Term. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated authentically on saving.
  14. Charge Summary Block has been introduced to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.
  15. Document Charges are not calculated when generation mode is Multiple.
  16. Document Adjustment is now having new feathers, like ‘Auto Set-off on FIFO’ basis and option to view ‘Other adjusted Documents’ w.r.t. each document
  17. A new function button - Short/Excess Quantity is available beneath the base item grid in both add and edit mode. Button to be visible only if the Source Site type is MS-CO-OM-TS. On clicking the button, a 'Short/Excess Quantity' window to open. Short/Excess displays packet wise, item wise difference in quantity received with that of returned from the store.
  18. Print Preference has been added to Sales Return web module to enable Print on save option.
  19. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  20. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been migrated as-is in Sales Return web module.
  21. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  22. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Customer Details and Customer Statistics as in other modules.

    • New profiles introduced, needs to be assigned with respective values.
    • Edit charges, will reflect the charge and factor calculated in the entry.
    • Allow Release of Un-Posted Document is still remain in the profile because the Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note. It has not impact with release and revert privilege in Sales Return.
    • Form Details section has been removed from the Web module.
    •  A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.

To know more, go to Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Sales Return in Ginesys Web


18468 Print Preference has been introduced with several advanced features in different web transaction modules


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Miscellaneous

Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operations – Goods In/Out - Receipts

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Adhoc

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Order

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Packing - Delivery - Against Reservation

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Transfer Out

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Transfer In

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Invoice - Sales Invoice 

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Invoice - Sales Return

Enhancement Summary:

The Print Preference option has been introduced with various features to print Packet Barcode and Document Report. This feature allows the setup of an optional preferential printing configuration for Barcode and Document Printing. The icons are placed in the top right corner of Delivery Challan Web module.

Major Features:

  1. Two different icons have been introduced to configure printing setup of Packet Barcode and Document Printing and placed separately in the top right corner of the transaction form.
  2. Once created report templates will be listed in the Print Preference drop down list for Document Printing to print that template report directly. 
  3. The icons are available in the form and both in Add and Edit mode.
  4. Available report templates tagged with the menu can be selected as "preferred" and can be printed according to action selected.
  5. The configuration of the report template preference is user wise menu wise. For example, User 1 can select Report Template 1 as preferred with action on save - Open Print Dialog and User 2 can prefer Report Template 2 with action on save - Show Preview.
  6. Packet type of config file will be reflected in the drop down for print preference of barcode.
  7. The Print Preference of Document Printing has the following options for Action on Save –
    1. Open Print Dialog
    2. Show Preview
    3. None
  8. The Print Preference of Print Barcode has the following options for Action on Save –
    1. Open Print Dialog
    2. None

To know more, go to - How To: Manage Print Preference

738398GIN- 1200

38398 Transfer IN Against Transfer Out document report is now available in Ginesys Web Reports


Ginesys Web – Report

Enhancement Summary:

Now, Transfer IN Against Transfer Out document report is now available in Ginesys Web Reports

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
138059 N.A.

38059 Saving Auto Purchase Invoice created multiple Invoice against same GRC 


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts - Auto Purchase Invoice

Reported Version:

11.149.2             62081


  1. Ensure that the logged in user has Auto purchase Invoice creation privilege.
  2. Open GRC.
  3. Provide all the required value.
  4. Save the GRC.
  5. Open Auto Purchase Invoice window.
  6. Provide all required value.
  7. Press Save twice within 4-5 second interval.
  8. Observe that the system is generating multiple Invoice against same GRC.