Log in to Zwing using Ginesys Single Sign-On (SSO)

Log in to Zwing using Ginesys Single Sign-On (SSO)

Simplify your login process with Ginesys One Single Sign-On (SSO). It allows you to access all your Ginesys One applications with a single set of login credentials, enhancing convenience and streamlining your workflow. Enjoy seamless, secure access without the need to remember multiple passwords.

Currently, you can access Zwing Cloud POS and Zwing Console using SSO. We will soon extend this functionality to all subscribed products, ensuring a unified and seamless login experience across the entire Ginesys One product suite.

To access Ginesys One, you only require a device with a web browser installed: be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari.

Log in to Ginesys One

Follow these steps to access your Ginesys One apps quickly and securely using SSO:

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the Ginesys One SSO login page by entering the following URL: sso.ginesys.one

  2. On the login page, enter the credentials shared with you by the Ginesys One Team. First enter your registered email, then tap Continue.

  1. Now enter your password to proceed and then tap on Login.

  1. If your Ginesys One account has Two-Factor Authentication enabled, you will have to enter the code displayed on your connected Mobile Authenticator App.
    Learn how to setup 2FA for your Ginesys One account.

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  1. On successful login, you'll be greeted by the homepage, where all your subscribed Ginesys One Products will be readily accessible. Simply choose the needed product and it will open.

  1. For now, simply tap on the Zwing icon to continue with Zwing Console.
    If you have been provided multiple instances, you will have to select an instance to start with. If your account only has POS access, you’ll be redirected to Zwing WebPOS app.

Congratulations, you have successfully logged in to Zwing using Ginesys One SSO!

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