Margin Analysis (Primary Sale)
This module provides clear visibility on the Profit or Margin of an organization. Apart from this it helps the user to track the at which level an retail organization is incurring loss, Profit tracking, the Linear markup , Markdown analysis, and so on.
Profit and Margin Visibility
This module offers clear and insightful visibility into the profitability and margins of the organization.
Users can easily access real-time data on the company's overall profit, including both gross profit and net profit.
Margin analysis helps identify which products, categories, or strategies contribute the most to the organization's bottom line.
Loss Tracking:
Users can pinpoint at which levels within the retail organization losses are occurring.
By identifying specific departments, product lines, or locations with losses, the module enables targeted interventions to improve performance.
Profit Tracking:
The module provides tools to track profits across different aspects of the business, such as products, regions, or customer segments.
Users can monitor profit trends over time to assess the impact of strategic decisions and adjust their business strategies accordingly.
Linear Markup:
Linear markup analysis helps determine the consistent profit margin applied to products.
Users can set and adjust markup rates for various products or categories, ensuring profitability goals are met consistently.
Markdown Analysis:
This feature enables users to evaluate the effectiveness of markdowns and sales promotions.
Users can assess the impact of discounts and price reductions on both sales volume and profitability.
Data Visualization and Reporting:
The module offers user-friendly data visualization tools, including charts, graphs, and customizable reports.
These visual aids make it easy for users to grasp profitability or Margin , Loss or margin gap and so on.
Cost Analysis:
The module also allows for cost analysis, helping users understand how expenses impact overall profitability.
Actionable Insights:
By providing in-depth profit and loss data at various organizational levels, the module equips users with actionable insights to optimize profitability.
Users can make data-driven decisions to maximize revenue and minimize losses.
It provides at a glance view of the key data points related to organizational margin at Store and Product level. An user can further slicing dicing the data at granular level as well.
Loss Dashboard :
At a glance view of Loss at various level such as Month , Site , Product level
Loss Tracking :
User can generate a details to get a clear visibility at where exactly an Organization is incurring losses by providing the flexible parameter.
Intake Vs Actual :
It provides the difference between inatake margin and actual margin. In which user can get visibility on margin gap between the products selling at RSP and discounted price .