How to: Manage Settlement at the Store

How to: Manage Settlement at the Store

Settlement needs to be done from the store to collect, process and post the records of the financial and stock transactions in HO for auditing purposes. This article describes how to make settlement in Ginesys POS.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Settlement features by enabling the AddModify and Day Settlement app operations for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.

  2. Settle all previous dates before settling the present day; i.e. if 31st May has to be settled, then all days till 30th May must be settled first.

  3. All Held POS bills, Pending Delivery Slips and Held Delivery Slips need to be saved / cancelled in order to settle the day.

  4. To settle the current day, the current session needs to be closed.

    Note: Do not settle the date in which you are making the settlement, as the system won't allow any other transaction after the settlement.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Back Office > Transactions > Settlement. The Settlement module opens.

  2. Click on the Add button.The Settlement window opens. 

  3. Click on the Save button.

    Note: The document needs to be saved before settlement.

  4. A dialog box appears asking you if you want to settle the date now. If you want to make settlement for the day, then click on Yes, or else click on No.

  5. If you click YesSettlement Summary Report will be displayed on the screen.

  6. If you click No, the settlement for the particular day will not be completed, but the document will be created and saved.  The status will then show Open instead of Settled. You can later open and settle it.



Note: You can only make settlement for the day, if settlement for the previous dates have been made successfully.

The buttons in the Settlement window

There are four (4) buttons in the Settlement window.


  1. Add- The Add button  opens the Settlement window. The Settlement window has a number of tabs under it. They are:

    1. Collections- The Collections tab displays the cash summary of the day in the Cash Summary in Rs section. This shows the receipts and payments done by that particular POS for that particular date. The Other collections section displays the transaction summary that have been done on that date in the POS using each of the MOPs. 


    2. Other Parameters- This tab allows you to enter any day settlement parameter as required by HO. This could be number or character or UDF string. Once setup by HO you cannot settle the day without this information.


    3. Sessions- This tab shows the session that has been closed recently and the currently open session. Here, you can also see the Blind Closebutton, which allows you to close the session directly from here, without having to again go to the POS module.


      You cannot settle a day without closing all the open sessions.

    4. Comment-  This is a text only field. This allows you to add information / comments / remarks related to the day's transaction that might be required later.


    5. Held POS Bills- This tab displays all the bills that are currently held at the moment in the POS.


      You cannot settle a day until all the held bills are either recalled and billed or cancelled.

    6. Pending Delivery Slip - This tab displays all the pending Delivery Slips made from all terminals. 


    7. Held Delivery Slips - This tab displays all the held delivery slips. 

      Unlike held POS bills, you cannot cancel / recall the Held Delivery Slips of all terminals. You need to have access to the terminal in which the bill has been held, in order to recall / cancel the held Delivery Slip / Slips.



  2. Edit- The Edit button, too, opens the Settlement window. If the selected day is already settled and closed, the window will be displayed in a read-only format. You are not allowed to edit or alter any data as the day has already been settled. But if the selected day is status of the day is open, then you can edit and view the data and settle it as and when you wish.

  3. View Audit Data- The View Audit button opens the View Audit Data window. It displays the number of deposits, orders, bills, GRC, GRT, etc that have been made on that particular date. It also displays any comments or descriptions that are present about the particular type of transaction for that day made in the Description section. 


  4. Close- The Close button closes the Settlement window.

    Auto Sync on Settlement

    New master policy has been added in Retail Management - Setup - Master policy named as "Auto Sync on Settlement", which needs to be checked for enabling Auto Sync process on Settlement.

    After POS Settlement, store will automatically sync with HO irrespective of the next scheduled sync. Auto Sync on Settlement will help in minimizing time to update the Day close statement details to HO without waiting for the auto scheduler service to get executed. 

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