How To: View HO defined masters at POS Back-Office

How To: View HO defined masters at POS Back-Office

The necessary masters like those of Item, Mode of Payment, Charge  and Discount etc. are created or defined in HO and then synced to the stores at the time of the stores opening. The changes to any of these masters are synced as and when necessary. Users can check the latest available master details of the following HO controlled elements through the HO Control Menu:

  • My Store 
  • Item Master
  • Mode of Payment
  • VAT
  • Charge
  • Discount
  • Promotion
  • Document Numbering Scheme
  • Reason
  • Item Price Management
  • SMS Notification


  1. The role of the user must have access to POS - Back Office.

  2. The role of the user must have access to the HO Menu and each of its options.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to POS - Back Office - HO Control.

  2. Now click and open any of the options in a window. Follow the table below to know more.
My Store

This displays the details of the store as present at HO.

There are 3 tabs in the My Store window:

Store Information

This tab displays all the details of the store like Store ID, Short code, Name of the Store, etc.
There are two sections present-

  1. Tax Information- This section displays the tax information details mode of operation of the store.
  2. Mode of Operation- This section displays the mode of operation (Consignment, Non- consignment, etc) of the store.
  3. HO Control Information - This section displays HO Control Information details (Site Security, Site sales persons and Allow to participate in any store return) of the store. It reflects from Retail Management > Setup > Site Master.

Contact Information

This tab contains all the contact details and information of the physical location of the store.
It contains the address details, contact person, website name, email id/ ids, phone number/numbers, etc.

Replenishment Source

This tab displays all the replenishment sources for the store.
All the sources are shown as list along with their respective addresses, contact information, site type etc.

Item Master

This option displays all the items that are present in the Ginesys POS system.

On the left-hand side, the Product definition is displayed in a tree format with the different divisions, sections and departments. On clicking any of the divisions, sections or the departments, the items under that particular head, will be displayed on the right hand side.
The right hand side view offers all the details of each item under the group selected on the left hand pane; like name, Id, barcode, division, section, department, MRP, RSP, UOM, VAT etc.

Mode of Payment

Mode of Payment is an instrument which is used to make payments by end customers in return of goods or services.

GINESYS POS may have the following MOPs assigned.

Credit Card

A Credit Card is a payment card issued to users to enable the cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services,

To know more about Credit Card as a mode of payment in Ginesys POS, click on the link: Credit Card

Credit Note Received

A Credit Note is a receipt given by a shop to a customer who has returned goods, which can be offset against future purchases.

To know more about Credit Note Received as a mode of payment in Ginesys POS, click on the link: Credit Note Received

Redemption Token

When a customer wants to redeem points accumulated on his Loyalty Card, it is done using a Redemption Token.

To know more about Redemption Token as a mode of payment in Ginesys POS, click on the link: Redemption Token

CashA form of liquid funds given by a consumer to a provider of goods or services as compensation for receiving those products. In most domestic business transactions, a cash payment will typically be made in the currency of the country where the transaction takes place, either in paper currency, in coins or in an appropriate combination.
Gift Voucher

A gift voucher is a prepaid stored-value money card usually issued by a retailer to be used as an alternative to cash for purchases within a particular store or other stores.

To create, generate and allocate: Managing GV (Gift Vouchers) through Ginesys POS Management

To issue a gift voucher: How to issue a Gift Voucher

Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets, the mode of payment of choice for the digital generation, are essentially digital versions of traditional wallets that are carried in the pockets of their users. 

To know about Mobile Wallets as a mode of payment in GINESYS POS, click on the link: Mobile Wallets


This displays the various value added taxes that may be defined for the applicable items.


Charge is an extra amount levied upon the basic or gross value of goods sold to a customer. It may be a cost incurred for that purchase (like delivery costs) or any reduction in cost value (i.e. discounts) or duties paid to any government or statutory body for making that purchase (i.e. different types of taxes) etc. It covers a wide range of costs - communication charges, legal fees, durability, and definitely also include transportation costs

All the charges are defined at HO and assigned to the store.

The Charge option in the HO Control menu displays the charges that are assigned by the HO to the store.

There are three (3) buttons here. They are:

View - This button helps to view the details of the selected Transfer Charge.

Refresh - This button is used to refresh the Transfer Charge window.

Close - This button is used to close the Transfer Charge window.


Discounts are defined at the HO and assigned to the stores.

The discounts that have been assigned to the store can be viewed from the Discounts window which opens when the Discount option in the HO Control Menu is selected. They maybe item level, bill level ( memo level ) or both. They maybe on the basis of Percentage or Amount.

Important information regarding change in discount factor

Note: The Factor of a percentage based discount may be altered on the basis of how the discount has been defined at HO; if it is defined as Changeable in POS then the factor can be changed at the store level.

Extinct Discount

Note: A discount cannot be declared as Extinct at the store level. It can only be done at HO.

There are three (3) buttons here:

View- The view option displays the details of the selected discount from the list. The Not Applicable Items tab displays the item to which the discount is not applicable to.

Refresh- This button is used to refresh the Discount window.

Close- This button is used to close the Discount window.


Promotions are marketing strategies to promote a product or a brand, or render sale of the store or simply to generate awareness about the store.

The Promotion button in the HO Control menu displays all the assigned promotions that has been allotted to the POS by the HO.


There are five (5) buttons present in this window:

  1. View Assortments- A miscellaneous collection of items is called an assortment. This button opens the Assortments window. While the Included Assortments tab displays all items that are included in a promotion, the Excluded Assortments tab displays the items that are excluded from the same promotion despite being in the same assortment.

    You can see the division, section, department, barcode etc of the items here. You can view the items by clicking the View Items button.

  2. Applicable Items- This button displays all the items which are included within a promotion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  3. View Item Promotions- This button allows you to scan or browse any particular item and see if it has any promotions attached to it.

    Note: This button functions exclusive of the selected promotion in the list.


  4. Refresh- This button helps to refresh the window.

  5. Close- This button helps to close the window.

Document Numbering Scheme

A Document Numbering Scheme is a numbering series / pattern that is unique to a particular action / transaction. This helps in keeping track of the number of transactions of a particular type. A Document Numbering Scheme once applied to one type of activity cannot be used for anything else.

Example: A POS Bill and a GRT will have two different Document Numbering Schemes, and they can be easily identified because of it.

Note: A Document Numbering Scheme contains alphabets, numbers and special characters like '/','-', etc

Document Numbering Scheme can only be created by the HO. It is then assigned to the respective stores or POS. 

The Document Numbering Scheme option in the HO Control menu, displays all the Document Numbering Schemes that are assigned to the particular POS by its HO.

All the schemes are arranged in a list and their details are arranged in a column view format, so that you get an idea about it, without opening it.


Note: Each and every transaction done at POS, needs to have a Document Numbering Scheme, without which you won't be allowed to perform the task. In other words, the existence of a Document Numbering Scheme is a pre-requisite to every action performed.

There are three (3) buttons in the Document Numbering Scheme window. They are:

  1. View- This button displays the details of the currently selected scheme (window view), that has been assigned to it by HO.
  2. Refresh- This button helps you to refresh the window.

  3. Close- This button helps you to close the window.

Reasons are necessary for understanding of the conditions of a particular transaction and take decisions based on it in a retrospective basis. Reasons are used to track events like - Return, Refund, Voiding the bills etc. They need to be defined at HO and assigned to the POS. Reasons are not only required as information related to transaction, but can also be used as a feedback (in case of refund).


Note: Providing reasons can be made mandatory by HO.

This option displays all the reasons for all transactions that have been assigned from the HO to the POS. 

Note: There can be more than one reason present for a particular type of transaction.

Example: There might be more than one reason for return of a product like "defective item" , "mismatch in size" etc.


This is a display only section and therefore, you can only view the reasons allocated to the POS.

There are three (3) buttons in this window:

  1. View- This button helps you to view the details of the selected Reason.

  2. Refresh- This button helps to refresh the window.

  3. Close- This button helps to close the window.

Item Price Management

The Item Price Management option allows you to manage the price according to the sequence of availability of the products that are present in the store. Sometimes items belonging to a different price range remain unsold in the stock, while new items with updated price have already arrived. In such a situation where the same item needs to be sold with different prices, the Item Price Management option is used.

Item Price Management allows you to select the price applicable to the item depending upon it's age in stock. Fluctuating rates or multiple MRPs or RSPs can be operated through this option.


The main elements in the Item Price Management window are described below:

  1. Select Item: In the Item Price Management window, you can either directly scan the item / browse it using the Browse button / use the Select Item button to search for the item whose rates you want to see. The selected item is then displayed on the right-hand side, while all the rates of the item are displayed on the left hand side. The selected rates are displayed in the pop-up (if pop-up option is allowed by HO) to select the desired price for the item, while billing the item.

    The desired price / prices must be selected in the Applicable column, otherwise it will simply use the original price present in the Item master, instead of the current price.

  2. Allow last <desired number of rates you want to select from in the pop-up> prices from respective price charts: This option selects only the mentioned number of prices from the Price Chart from the current date.


  3. Allow all available prices from respective price chart: This option allows all the prices present in the price chart on the pop- up.

  4. Do not allow any price from the respective price chart: This option does not allow any of prices present in the price chart to appear in the pop-up.

SMS Notification

Diffferent SMS messages can be sent to Store customers in case of certain events - POS Bill generation, Redemption of loyalty points or Redemption Tokens or vouchers etc. The HO must provide all the configuration details like the HTTP URL provided by the SMS service provider, the Username and Password, Port etc. The Event wise Task Details - like the Message content that must be set for each event like bill generation or redemptions etc. along with Recipient numbers are also set by the HO.


The Send Test SMS section allows users to generate test sms for checking out the configuration. The SMS are sent out in schedule set by the HO after the details of the POS events are synced to the HO. 

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