How To: Configure a VFD device with GINESYS POS

How To: Configure a VFD device with GINESYS POS

GINESYS POS supports VFD devices in POS systems from version 1.28.0 onwards. This article describes about how to configure your GINESYS POS system for using the VFD feature.


  1. GINESYS POS version 1.28.0
  2. VFD device supporting 20 characters x 2 rows. Both Pole type and POS system integrated VFD are supported.
  3. Only USB connectivity based VFD devices have been tested. Older serial port based VFD devices may work as per this guide; however, they have not been tested and thus are not currently supported under standard maintenance clauses.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Unpack the device carefully and read the instruction manual. Some pole VFD devices come in parts which might need to be assembled. If you are using such a device, please follow the instructions in the manual to assemble the device.
  2. Connect the USB cord to a free USB port of your system.
  3. Verify whether your device was detected by the operating system by going to the Device Manager and expanding the Ports (COM & LPT) node. If you cannot see this node or your VFD device is not listed under this node then you might need to install a device driver for your device.
  4. Most USB based VFD devices do not require a device driver. However, if your device came with a driver CD it is recommended that you install the same following the vendor’s instructions for proper working of the device.
  5. If you still cannot find the VFD device listed in device manager, contact your VFD device vendor.
  1. Go to the POS Application Folder, locate the VFDTest.exe application and run the same.
  2. Locate your VFD port from device manager Ports (COM & LPT) node and enter the same in the Port and click Open. If the port is valid and is not locked by any other application it will be opened. The Open button will become inactive at this stage and the Close button will be active.
  3. Write some sample texts in Line1 and Line2 and click Send Line1 & 2. If the texts are properly displayed in the VFD at this stage, the VFD is properly configured.


  1. VFD Configuration option is available from the Administration menu of GINESYS POS and is available to users who have been granted access to the same by their role.
  2. Go to Administration > Settings > VFD Configuration. This will open up the available VFD configurations (already defined), if any, in the right pane.
  3. Select from one of the buttons below to create a new VFD configuration or edit an existing VFD configuration.
  4. Give the configuration a name and enter necessary values in the window.
  5. Click Save to save the VFD configuration.
  1. Name: The configuration name, e.g. FMCG Settings, Garment Settings etc.
  2. On Idle (Line 1 and Line 2): Text to be displayed when the POS window is idle, i.e. no bill is being made.
  3. On Item Entry: Text to be displayed when items are being added to the POS bill.
  4. On Customer Tag: Text to be displayed when a customer is being associated or dissociated with the bill.
  5. On Payment: Text to be displayed when payment is being accepted, i.e. the Mode of Payment option is open on the left pane of the POS window.
  6. On Bill Save: Text to be displayed when the bill is being saved.
  1. Several tags have been made available for customizing the display lines in the VFD with current information from the bill. Any tag can be used in any line; however whether any information will be displayed against that tag will depend on where the tag has been used. E.g. if customer related tags are used in On Idle state (On Idle Line 1 and 2) then no customer information is displayed as no customer information is available at that time. It is only available when a customer is attached to the bill.
  2. The tags can be placed in between fixed texts like ‘Tendered amount: <BILLTOTTENDER>’ where Tendered Amount is the fixed text and <BILLTOTTENDER> is the tag.
  3. Tags must be entered within angled brackets ‘<>’ and in capital letters. For convenience the lookup window can be used to compose the entire line with tags from a list of available tags. The lookup window opens by clicking the lookup button denoted by (...) available beside each line of each event.

    Important information

    Note: For more information about the lookup window refer the 'How to use the tag lookup window' section below.

  4. Tags are automatically replaced at run time with live information from the current bill being made.
  5. Available tags are –


The division name of the last item scanned.
<SECTION>The section of the last item scanned.
<DEPARTMENT>The department of the last item scanned.
<ARTICLE>The article of the last item scanned.
<BARCODE>The barcode of the last item scanned.
<ITEMNAME>The name of the last item scanned.
<ITEMSHORTNAME>The short name of the last item scanned.
<CAT1>The CAT1 value of the last item scanned.
<CAT2>The CAT2 value of the last item scanned.
<CAT3>The CAT3 value of the last item scanned.
<CAT4>The CAT4 value of the last item scanned.
<CAT5>The CAT5 value of the last item scanned.
<CAT6>The CAT6 value of the last item scanned.
<ITEMPRICE>The price (RSP) of the last item scanned.
<ITEMQTY>The sum of quantity of the last item scanned.
<ITEMDISCOUNT>The sum of all discounts applied in the last item scanned.
<ITEMNETAMT>The net amount payable for the last item scanned.
<BILLTOTQTY>The total quantity of items scanned in the bill.
<BILLTOTDISCOUNT>The total discount applied in the bill.
<BILLTOTTENDER>The total tendered amount in the bill.
<BILLCHANGE>The change/return to be given in the bill.
<BILLNETPAYABLE>The net payable amount of the bill.
<CUSTOMERNAME>The name of the customer tagged in the bill
  1. Click the look up (...) button.
  2. The VFD Tag List window opens up, showing all available tags.
  3. Select the tag to be displayed and press Enter or Double-click the tags or Select a particular tag and then click on Select Tag button. In the bottom section of the window a field shows all tags chosen for that particular line in that particular event.
  4. Press OK. 

    Important information

    Note: The selected tags, as well as the hard text added are populated in the field below. But it is not reflected in the VFD Event Configuration window until you click OK

  1. It may be required for displaying a part of the tag values (when the tag values are strings) or display tag values in a particular format (when the tag values are numeric). E.g. user might want to display only the first 5 characters of Division and display Qty in a whole number format. GINESYS gives flexible option to customize the display of tags.
  2. Where the length of tag values are given then the final output of the tag is determined by
    1. If the tag value is less than the value specified in Length then the tag value is right padded so that the final output matches with the length specified.
    2. If the tag value is greater than the value specified in length then the tag value is cut short so that the final output matches with the length specified.
  3. Where the formats of the tag values are given then the final output is determined by the format given.
  4. Available length and display formatting options are –
Division lengthThe length of the division name value.
Section lengthThe length of the section name value.
Department lengthThe length of the department name value.
Article lengthThe length of the article name value.
Barcode lengthThe length of the barcode value.
Item nameThe length of the item name value.
Item short name lengthThe length of the item short name value.
Cat1 lengthThe length of the cat1 value.
Cat2 lengthThe length of the cat2 value.
Cat3 lengthThe length of the cat3 value.
Cat4 lengthThe length of the cat4 value.
Cat5 lengthThe length of the cat5 value.
Cat6 lengthThe length of the cat6 value.
Item price formatThe format of the item price.
Item quantity formatThe format of item quantity.
Item discount formatThe format of the item discount.
Bill total tender formatThe format of the bill total tender.
Bill change formatThe format of the bill change.
Bill net payable formatThe format of the bill net payable.

Formatting numeric values:

    1. To suppress 0 value:  #
    2. To show 0 value: 0
    3. To show comma: ,
    4. Examples: 
      1.  #####.## - Shows 5 significant digits and 2 decimals with 0 suppressed, i.e. if there are zeroes before after decimal they will be suppressed. E.g. 0.99 will be shown as .99 and 567.00 will be shown as 567. 
      2.  ###0.00 - Shows 5 significant digits and 2 decimals without 0 suppressed. E.g. 0.99 will be shown as 0.99 and 567.00 will be shown as 567.00
  1. Go to Administration > Terminals. This will open up the available terminals in the right pane.
  2. Select the terminal where VFD configuration is to be assigned.
  3. Click Edit The selected terminal is now open for editing.
  4. Click the lookup button against the VFD configuration field. Select the VFD configuration from the list. The VFD configuration is populated in the field.
  5. Save the settings by clicking the Save button. The VFD configuration is now saved.


The VFD port is a hardware component specific to the terminal where the VFD is being used. In a client-server scenario where the Administration option is being opened from the server, the server cannot normally enumerate through the hardware components of the terminal which is a different computer altogether. For this reason, the hardware device selection for terminals is done from the terminal itself. To do this open the POS option in the terminal and perform the following steps.

  1. From the POS window select Tools (F6) > Terminal Device Configuration.
  2. Click the lookup button against the VFD port field and select the proper port where the VFD device is attached.

    Important information

    Note: If you are using a USB based device, the device must be plugged in to the respective port at this point otherwise the port will not show up in the list.

  3. Save the setting by clicking the Save button.


The VFD configuration can be tested before saving. GINESYS POS provides a VFD testing facility, at the left hand bottom of the configuration window grouped under VFD Test Settings. Since this testing is performed without creating the actual POS Bill, you need to define sample values against the VFD tags. During testing, the utility will replace the tag values with the ones that you have defined and show them on your VFD screen.


1. Defining sample values:

  1. Click on the Define Values for Sample VFD Tags button.
  2. In the VFD Tag List window, type in the sample values against each tag selected corresponding to the events to be displayed through the VFD.

2. Opening the COM port where the VFD device is attached

  1. Click on the COM Port lookup denoted by (...)
  2. Select the COM Port for your VFD from the list of available COM Ports in the list.
  3. Then click the Open Button.
  4. If the port could be opened then the Open button gets disabled and the Close button gets enabled.
  5. Once testing is over. Click the Close button to safely close the COM port.
  6. The VFD connected to this terminal is now ready for testing.
  1. Press the Test button beside each event to check the display format and values.
  2. If you need to make some changes in the line or the display formatting you can do so. Once you are done with the changes click the Test button again to display the updated information.
  3. Once you are satisfied with the line display click on the OK button to save the configuration. 

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