Release Notes 11.129.0 - 1.129.0

Release Notes 11.129.0 - 1.129.0


Release Date

 21 August 2017

HO Version 11.129.0
POS Version 1.129.0
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 01
Bug Fixes 03

Features & Enhancements


Dev IDDescription
1 32072

32072 EasemyGST Sync from Ginesys - Invoice wise B2CS information will now be synced


Admin - Utilities - Process - Sync to EasemyGST


Currently, for the entire month, the sum of all the amounts are to easemygst for GSTR1 - B2CS. This patch will now sync Invoice wise information for the same. However, for POS bills, aggregate of day - store wise shall be synced. For example, for POS Bills - POS-A01-21082017 will be the invoice number for all the bills during that day (21/08/2017 for store with document identification number A01).

Note: For all other invoices eligible for B2CS transaction, individual invoice number shall be synced.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDDescription
1 32052

32052 Data rectification for Misc. bugs has been released

Charges were not getting populated in some cases while doing Goods Receive at store

When doing a goods receive at store against transfer out or goods return from another store, if item was reconciled by scanning mode and multiple packets were received, charges were not getting populated correctly.
Impact: There was transit difference in accounts as well as inventory books due to this bug and also, input GST credit was not posted correctly.

Trade group information was not getting stored against Goods Return at store

When doing a goods return at store, trade group information was not getting stored in the backend/database.
Impact: These Goods Return documents were not populating in EasemyGST.

Goods Receive rate from store was not proper in some cases

When doing a goods receive at store, the rate was populated inclusive of GST in some cases, however, when transaction at Head office was done, it was posted without GST.
Impact: There was transit mismatch due to this bug in both inventory and finance books. Also, Input GST credit was not posted correctly.

Goods Return from store's Inventory transit posting was not populated with proper rates

When doing a goods return at store, the rate populated for transit posting was inclusive of GST, however, when you receive the same at HO or any other store, the receive rate was not inclusive of GST.
Impact: There was Inventory transit difference due to this bug.

Store to store transfer's Advice Amount was not proper

When store to store transfer was done, the advice amount of the item was including the GST amount, however, ideally advice amount is rate*quantity. Due to this if full receive was done at store without reconciling the items, the receive amount was populating wrong.
Impact: There was Finance transit difference due to this bug.

Note: All the above bugs are applicable only when transaction was involving any owned store.


32065 GRC Revert was not working


Retail Management - Operations - Explore - Goods Receive at Site - Revert

Reported Version:



Post GST inclusion in Goods Receive for owned stores, the goods receive revert from head office was throwing an error.


32071 GST Identification for Managed customer operated consigment sites (as replenishment source) were not syncing to store


Ginesys HO - Data Sync

Reported Version:



When any managed customer operated consignment site was synced as replenishment source to any store, the GST Identification Number of the MS-CO-CM site was not syncing to the store.