How To: Set Image Convention of an Item

How To: Set Image Convention of an Item

Image convention is used to identify items easily. Often it is difficult for the users to identify an item by its name, barcode, category or description. But an image is easily recognizable by all. Attaching an item to an image is done by setting an image convention - i.e. the property of item that tags it to an image; like barcode or the categories etc.

Use Of Image Convention in Group properties Under General Category

Image Convention is use so that items can be identified easily. Identifying an item by its name, category, Barcode or Description can be difficult sometimes but a image can be recognized by all.

 How To: Set Image Convention in Ginesys Web


  1. The users' role must have access to the Group and Item features by enabling Add and Modify app operation for the feature in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - Role.

  2. The image should exist.

  3. The image should be of .jpg or .png format.

  4. The image should not be more than 50 kB in size. The restrictions for image size has been increased from 50kB to 5mB.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Product Definition> Group. The Item Group master opens.

  2. Go to the required department in which you want to set the image convention, right-click on it and click on Edit Properties. The Edit Properties window opens.

  3. Select the required group from the Inventory Group section.

  4. On the right hand side, go to the Image Convention in the General section.

  5. Select the necessary image convention from the drop down. You can choose any one of the following:
    1. Use Existing Value
    2. Barcode
    3. Article
    4. Category 1-6
    5. Description 1-6

  6. Once done, click on Update.

  7. Click on Close to close the window.

  8. Next go to Product Definition> Item. The Item master opens.

  9. In the list, look for the item whose image needs to be added / updated and double click on it. The Edit Item window opens.

  10. Now go to the upper right-hand corner of the the window, (the space which displays No Image Available) and click on the camera icon. The Open file window opens.  

  11. Go to the location of your image and select it.

    Note: The location of your image files should be <Ginesys installed drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\ItemImage

  12. Click on Open.

  13. The image will be uploaded.

  14. Once done, click on the Update Item button.

  15. Item updated successfully. Item Code: <Item Code> Barcode: - message will be displayed.

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