Manage Enterprise in Ginesys One as Admin

Manage Enterprise in Ginesys One as Admin

Ginesys One allows Account Holders & Admins to efficiently manage their enterprise: Add an enterprise logo, update enterprise details or manage password policies for all users in the enterprise.

Update Enterprise Logo

Follow these steps to add a logo or profile picture for your Ginesys One enterprise:

  1. From the Ginesys One home page, tap on your profile icon on the top right to open the Profile section.

  2. Tap on the Enterprise section tab in the middle to open the Enterprise page.

  1. Tap on the Edit Info button in the ‘Enterprise Information’ section.

  2. Tap on Change Image on the current image, and select the image you wish to upload from your device.

  1. Once image has been uploaded, tap on Update Info to set the enterprise’s new logo.

Update Enterprise Information

Follow these steps to update information of your Ginesys One enterprise:

  1. Tap on the Edit Info button in the ‘Enterprise Information’ section.

  1. Your current enterprise information will become editable, and now you can type in your changes in the respective input boxes.

  2. Once you are satisfied with the changes, tap on Update Info button to save your new enterprise information.

Congratulations, you have successfully updated your Ginesys One Enterprise Information!

Setup Enterprise-level Password Policy

Account Holders & Admins can define the password creation criteria for all users in a Ginesys One enterprise. You can define minimum password length, and select which type of characters are mandatory during password creation. Additionally, you can enable or disable two-factor authentication across the enterprise using this interface.

  1. Scroll down the Enterprise page to the Password Policy section.

  2. Customise the password policies for your enterprise based on your requirement.

  3. Click on the Update button to save the changes you've made to ensure they are applied effectively across the enterprise.


Congratulations, you have successfully set up the password creation policy for your Ginesys One Enterprise!

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