Document Numbering Series: A Simplified Guide
Prerequisites for Invoice Generation:
Before generating an invoice series, make sure to enable the "Enable Invoice Number Generation" and "Invoice Number Generation at RTS" checkboxes. You can locate these settings by going to 'Accounts' > 'Invoice & Labels' > 'Invoice Customization.
Accessing Document Numbering Series:
You can access the 'Document Numbering Series' in two simple ways:
Navigate to 'Accounts' > 'Invoice & Labels' > 'Invoice Customization,' then click on 'Document Numbering.'
Alternatively, directly click on the 'Document Numbering Series' tab under 'Accounts.'
Upon clicking, you'll be redirected to the Document Numbering Series page. Here, you'll find a list of document series created by you, including details such as creation date, title, module type, prefix format, start index, reset frequency, effective date, and status (active/disabled).
Creating a Rule for Document Numbering Series:
To create a new rule for document series, follow these steps:
Click on the "Add" button on the document numbering series page.
Enter a Name/Title for the new rule.
Select the Module Type.
Choose one of the reset frequencies:
Daily - Document series will be reset daily
Daily reset, the prefix must include placeholders for both Month {{MM}} and Day {{DD}}
Users can also use other mustaches along with the mandatory ones.
Monthly - Document series will be reset monthly
Monthly reset requires the prefix to include placeholders for both Year ({{YY}} or {{YYYY}}) and Month ({{MM}} or {{MON}}).
Users can also use other mustaches along with the mandatory ones.
Calendar Year - Document series will be reset after every year
Calendar Year reset requires the prefix to include placeholders for Year. Options include {{YY}} or {{YYYY}}
Users can also use other mustaches along with the mandatory ones.
Financial Year - Document series will be reset based on month and date provided by the user
The Financial Year reset options include {{FYY}}, {{FY}}, {{FY1}},{{FYYY}}, or {{FYYYY}}, along with the Annual Reset Day.
Users can also use other mustaches along with the mandatory ones.
Add Prefix format, including a unique code for the location (warehouse/store). Note:Maximum number of invoice series should not exceed 16 characters.
Indicate the Number of Digits in the Start Index and the Initial Start Index value. For example, determine the number of digits at the beginning of the index (1, 01, 001, etc.) and input the initial index value (0, 1, 2, etc).
The Padding Character is set to 0 by default.
Sample format will be displayed based on the user-specified series.
Select the Effective Date, ensuring it's greater than the current date.
Click on the "Save" button.
Mustache Usage
A Mustache serves as a tool for crafting templates. These templates resemble forms featuring empty spaces where various information can be inserted. By employing Mustache, these spaces are filled with specific details, thus rendering each document distinct.
Suppose we want to create a document series for invoices. We'll use Mustache placeholders to make the series dynamic.
Example: Invoice Numbering Series
Name/Title: Invoice Series 2024
Module Type: Invoices
Prefix Format: INV-{{YY}}{{MM}}-{{WHC}}-{{CHC}}
Number of Digits in Start Index: 4
Start Index: 0001
Sample Format: INV-2403-WH001-CH001
Reset Number Series: Monthly (Reset at the beginning of every month)
Effective From: 01/04/2024 (1st April 2024)
In this example:
Mustache Usage:
{{YY}}: Represents the year in two-digit format (e.g., 24)
{{MM}}: Represents the month in two-digit format (e.g., 03 for March)
{{WHC}}: Represents the location/warehouse unique code (e.g., WH001)
{{CHC}}: Represents the channel unique code (e.g., CH001)
This template ensures that each invoice generated follows a unique pattern, incorporating specific details such as the year, month, warehouse code, and channel code.
Additional Mustache
{{DAY}}: Day of week in three letters(e.g. SUN, THU )
{{DD}}: Day of month in two digits (e.g. 01, 31 )
{{MON}}: Month in three letters (e.g. JAN, APR)
{{MM}}: Month in two digits (e.g. 01, 12)
{{YY}}: Year in two digit format (e.g. 24, 25)
{{YYYY}}: Year in four digit format (e.g. 2024, 2025)
{{FYY}}: Financial year in two digit format (e.g. 24-25, 25-26)
{{FY}}: Financial year in two digit format (e.g. F24, F25)
{{FY1}}: Financial year in two digit format (e.g. 2324, 2425)
{{FYYYY}}: Financial year in four digit format (e.g. 2024-2025, 2025-2026)
{{FYYY}}: Financial year in four digit format (e.g. 2024-25, 2023-24)
{{WHC}}: Location/Warehouse Unique Code
{{CHC}}: Channel Unique Code
{{IVC}}: Invoicing Company Unique Code
Please note:
The most recent document series created will be utilized. Avoid creating multiple invoicing series with the same effective date.
Once a series is created, it cannot be modified.
Using specific mustaches will trigger different reset frequencies, as explained above (e.g., {{DD}} for daily reset, {{MM}} for monthly reset).
This simplified guide aims to assist you in effectively managing your document numbering series for seamless invoice generation.