EaseMyGST - API Documentation

EaseMyGST - API Documentation

a). EaseMyGST for E-Invoicing

b). EaseMyGST For Eway Bill

EaseMyGST is the solution for E-invoicing compliance in India. Using EaseMyGST taxpayers can get IRN generated, canceled, and all other operations supported by the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) of the Government

EaseMyGST provides APIs to perform common EWB operations including EWB generation, cancellation, updating of vehicle details (or PART B), rejection of EWB generated by others, consolidated EWB generation and others.

c). Types of APIs for E-invoicing

API Type

API Name

API Description


Short URL






 Auth Token

The token received in response to be used in all subsequent API requests. The token is valid for 11 days.










Generate IRN using IRP JSON

Sending single invoice data for IRN generation in JSON Format.





E-Invoice Cancel


Cancel IRN

Cancel a generated IRN. Cancellation is allowed within 24 hours of generation






Upload Invoice


Generate IRN & EWB using CSV upload

Uploading one or multiple invoices for a single GSTIN in a CSV file. The CSV file will be the EMG specified format






Check Status


GET IRN Status

Check the status of uploaded file by providing Invoice Details






Check Status


Check Upload Errors


Get details of errors during upload file






View Invoice PDF


Download IRN PDF


Get all the details of E-Invoice & EWB bill in PDF format.





d). API Working through POSTMAN


1)  Generate Auth Token


  1. Contact Support to get the API Collection in JSON Format. 


  1. Import the collection in POSTMAN. 


  1. Click on the First API that is Generate-Auth-Token.



  1. Mention the Client ID & client_secret provided by the EMG Support Team and click on Send Button.




  1. After clicking on the Send button, the user will get the Access Token in the Response payload. Copy the access token. 


Note:- The token received in response to be used in all subsequent API requests. The token is valid for 11 days.


2) POST E-Invoice Request (JSON)


  1. Select the Generate IRN & EWB using IRP-JSON Upload

  1. Click on the Body option and make sure the data format should be selected as Raw. After mentioning the Invoice details in the JSON format, click on the send button. 



  1. After sending the data, the below message should be displayed.


3) GET Response IRN & EWB Status - JSON Response


  1. Go to the GET IRN &EWB Status - JSON- Response and click on the Header Option. Make sure to use the same token which we have generated in the first step.


  1. The below parameters are per the data that has been passed in the POST invoice JSON API. (Ref. to d.2 Point)

Parameters Explained:-

  • Transaction_id:- Refer to as the document number/invoice number

  • Supply_type:- Hardcoded as Outward for E-invoicing.

  • Transaction_type:- It can be INV, CRN (For credit note), or DBN (for Debit Note)

  • Return_year:- Financial Year in which the e-invoice has been generated.

  • Return_month:- Should be passed as per the invoice date month. 


  1. Now click on the Send button, if all the parameters are correct, the user will get the below Success Response. 



  1. The user will receive the IRN, Ack No., Ack Date and Time, and Signed QR Code in the response. 


4) GET/ Download E-invoice or IRN PDF


  1. Go to the Download IRN PDF and click on the Header Option. Make sure to use the same token which we have generated in the first step. 



  1. The below parameters are per the data that has been passed in the POST invoice JSON API (Same as we passed in JSON Response) and click on the Send button. 



  1. If all the parameters are correct, the user will get the PDF in the response. 



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