Basics of GSTR-9

Basics of GSTR-9

GSTR 9 is an annual GST return which needs to be filed by every taxpayer who has taken registration under GST Law. It is a mandatory return for all taxpayer.

GSTR 9 consists of major 6 parts, bifurcated between 19 sub-sections. Out of these 19 sub-section, some of the sub-sections will be auto-populated based on GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B filed with GSTN.

EaseMyGSTSapphire will give you auto-computed details and also bulk fetch data facility.

Even if you have not filed GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B by using EaseMyGST Sapphire platform still you will be able to get auto-computed details for GSTR 9 and you will be able to save GSTR 9 details to GSTN portal through EaseMyGST Sapphire

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