Generation From HO Via Integration
Process of E-invoice for Ginesys 12.20 version
Login to Ginesys > Go to Admin > Click on Utilities > Click on E-Invoice Generator.
Select the Generate Option, select the Owner Site and select the type of Invoices, you want to generate.
Select the date range (From & To) and click on Search Button.
The invoice which are applicable for E-Invoice generation will be visible in the below Window.
Now as per the applicable actions, click on the IRN, IRN & EWB and EWB tab. The invoices will get classified as per the applicability. Select the Invoices (single or multiple) & click on Proceed to generate
Click on Generate IRN button.
The status will show as Submited, which means the data is successfully posted on EaseMyGST.
8. Click on Check Status button to fetch the IRN and E-way bill details. .
9. Now, user can Download the E-invoice and E-way bill pdf from EaseMyGST and Ginesys.