Extend E-way bill
Process Document For Extend E-WayBill
User need to generate E-way bill first using eInvoice-ewb
After successfully generating E-way bill user can extend e-way bill
For Extend E-way bill below point need to be noted.
The validity of EWB can be extended between 8 hours before expiry time and 8 hours after expiry time.
Validity of EWB can be extended only by the current transporter. If transporter is not assigned, then the generator can update.
Click on Actions and navigate to Extend E-way bill
After clicking on Extend e-way bill below window will appear.
Vehicle Number: If the vehicle number is passed, the format of the vehicle number should be valid and as per the format.
In the case of road as a transportation mode, the vehicle number should be passed, and transport document number is optional.
From Place: The present place of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.
From State: The present State of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.
From Pin Code: The present pin-code of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.
Remaining Distance: Distance to travel from present place of the consignment to destination must be entered.
Remaining distance should not be more than the actual distance mentioned during the generation of E-way bill.
Consignment Status: We have 2 status for the consignment status.
6.1 ) Transit: If the consignment is in warehouse or in Road. Transit Type value can be either Road or Warehouse or Others.
6.2) Movement: If the consignment is by Rail, Road, Ship & Air then Transit Type should be blank
Transit Type: To distinguish between the goods either on Road or in transit (R- Road, W - Warehouse, O-Others) for Extend E-waybill.
Trasport Document Number: In case of road as a transportation mode, the vehicle number should be passed, and transport document number is optional.
Note:- In the case of rail, air or ship as a transportation mode, the transport document number is a must.
Trasport Document Date: EWB Document Date
10. Trasport Mode:
11.) Reason For Extension: Please select the reason for Extension.
12.) Extended Remarks: Remark according to reason
Address Line1, Address Line2 & Address Line1: User Address(Optional)
Leave a Comment: (Optional)
13.) Click on submit button :-