Extend E-way bill

Extend E-way bill

Process Document   For Extend E-WayBill

  1. User need to generate E-way bill first using eInvoice-ewb


  1. After successfully generating E-way bill user can extend e-way bill

 For Extend E-way bill below point need to be noted.


  • The validity of EWB can be extended between 8 hours before expiry time and 8 hours after expiry time.

  • Validity of EWB can be extended only by the current transporter. If transporter is not assigned, then the generator can update.

  1. Click on Actions and navigate to Extend E-way bill


  • After clicking on Extend e-way bill below window will appear.





  1. Vehicle Number: If the vehicle number is passed, the format of the vehicle number should be valid and as per the format.

In the case of road as a transportation mode, the vehicle number should be passed, and transport document number is optional.

  1. From Place: The present place of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.

  2. From State: The present State of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.

  3. From Pin Code: The present pin-code of the consignment, at the time of requesting for the extension, must be entered.

  4. Remaining Distance: Distance to travel from present place of the consignment to destination must be entered.

  Remaining distance should not be more than the actual distance mentioned during the generation of E-way bill.

  1. Consignment Status: We have 2 status for the consignment status.

6.1 ) Transit: If the consignment is in warehouse or in Road. Transit Type value can be either Road or Warehouse or Others.

6.2) Movement: If the consignment is by Rail, Road, Ship & Air then Transit Type should be blank

  1. Transit Type: To distinguish between the goods either on Road or in transit (R- Road, W - Warehouse, O-Others) for Extend E-waybill.

  1. Trasport Document Number: In case of road as a transportation mode, the vehicle number should be passed, and transport document number is optional.

Note:- In the case of rail, air or ship as a transportation mode, the transport document number is a must.

  1. Trasport Document Date: EWB Document Date

 10. Trasport Mode:


11.) Reason For Extension: Please select the reason for Extension.


12.) Extended Remarks: Remark according to reason 

Address Line1, Address Line2 & Address Line1: User Address(Optional)

Leave a Comment: (Optional)


13.) Click on submit button :-





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