Stock Analysis Retail
This module allows the retailers to analyze stock levels, identify slow-moving products, and optimize inventory management.
It is further divided into various sub modules i.e. Dashboard , Stock Ageing , Sales Stock , Stock Movement , Stock Level System , Stock Level Custom ,Loss for out of Stock.
Stock Dashboard
The stock analysis module offers a comprehensive dashboard that provides an overview of the current stock quantity and valuation. This dashboard includes detailed information on the site-wise and product-wise contributions to the stock, as well as stock age-wise contribution.
Dashboard--> Go to --> Stock --> Dashboard
Stock Ageing
This module offers an option to identify the ageing of inventory based on the barcode creation date , Stock First inward date, Stock Last inward date. This enables users to segregate the inventory by its age range, such as 0 to 14 days or 15 to 30 days and so on. The system also provides the option to generate a detailed report at the site and product level, which includes information on the closing stock quantity and amount.
This module is further divided into sub modules such as :
Dashboard : At glance view of stock ageing at site and Product level.
Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Dashboard
Details : User can generate stock age details report.
Go to -- > Stock-->Stock ageing --> Details
Old Stock : User can define what age should the old age and also can generate a report to reach out the old stock contribution in the inventory.
Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Old Stock
Sale Age / Stock : Sale age and stock age report.
Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Sale age/Stock
Sales Stock
User can generate sales stock report at different time dimension.
Such as , YTD, QTD , MTD
MOM : Only this module month wise Stock and Sales report can be generated.
Sales Stock--> Go to -- > Stock --> Sales Stock
Stock Movement
The stock movement report feature allows users to select various options such as opening stock quantity, GRC, GRT, Transit, and more. The system provides a detailed stock movement report based on the user's selection.
Stock Movement--> Go to --> Stock-->Stock Movement
Stock Level System
The MBQ planning module is divided into two sections: the system-driven and stock level custom.
In the system-driven section, the system guides users on the minimum and maximum base quantity based on several parameters such as the average sale per day, product segmentation group, and the sale frame for the last n days. The system also identifies where excess or shortage stock exists, based on the maximum and minimum stock quantity.
Stock Level System--> Go to --> Stock--> Stock level System
Stock Level Custom
In the stock level custom section, the system calculates excess or shortage stock based on the client's data, which includes their minimum base quantity (MBQ) requirements at the site or product level. The client provides this data in an Excel sheet, and the system integrates this information to calculate excess or shortage stock.
Stock Level Custom --> Go to --> Stock--> Stock level Custom
Loss For Out of Stock
User can track sale loss for out of inventory at site and product level. User can generate this report at different time dimension such as YTD , QTD , MTD, Period.
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