Retail Dashboard

Retail Dashboard

This module provides a quick overview of the store's performance, including key metrics such as sales and inventory at Site and Product level. Also there is a provision for slicing dicing of the data. This module is divided into various time dimension such as YTD , QTD , MTD , WTD , Daily.


For instance, the YTD dashboard enables users to compare the performance of major metrics at an organizational level, including data from the current year, the previous year, and the pre-previous year. Users can also drill down into store and product-wise performance and contribution to sales and inventory. Additionally, the dashboard allows users to visualize monthly sales trends for the current year and the previous year. The geographical sales performance feature for different regions, cities, and divisions is a particularly helpful addition.


  • Go to --> Dashboard --> YTD (Year to Date)

  • Dashboard-->QTD (Quarter to Yesterday )

  • Dashboard --> MTD (Month to Date)

  • Dashboard--> WTD (Week to Date)

  • Dashboard--> Daily (Yesterday )