How To: Manage Stock Points at the store

How To: Manage Stock Points at the store

Stock points of POS are those points where the items are stored. There are two (2) types of stock points where the goods are physically present - Godown (warehouse) and Shop floor. Logistics is a virtual or conceptual stock point for goods in transit between sites. This article describes how to create new Stock Point at POS.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Stock Point feature by enabling the Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role  - Access Rights - Back Office - Store Control.

  2. The Name of the stock point is mandatory.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys POS - Back Office - Store Control - Stock Point. The Stock Points module opens.

  2. Click on Add. The Stock Point window appears.

    1. Fill in the Name of the Stock Point.

      The Name should not be more than 100 characters in length.

    2. Select the Type of Stock Point:
      1. Godown
      2. Shop Floor
      3. Logistics

  3. Click on OK.

  4. Record saved successfully - message is displayed on the screen. Click OK.

  5. The new stock point will be added to the list.

Edit Stock Point details

To modify the details of an existing Stock Point, the users' role must have access to the Stock Point feature by enabling the Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Back Office - Store Control .

The user can modify the details of an existing Stock Point by clicking on the Edit button in the Stock Points module.

Delete Stock Point details

To delete the details of an existing Stock Point, the users' role must have access to the Stock Point feature by enabling the Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Back Office - Store Control. 

The user can delete the details of an existing Stock Point by selecting the Stock Point and clicking on the Delete button in the Stock Points module.

To mark the Stock Point as Extinct

To mark the details of an existing Stock Point as Extinct, the users' role must have access to the Stock Point feature by enabling the Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Back Office - Store Control. 

The user can mark an existing Stock Point as Extinct in the following way:

  1. Selecting the Stock Point from the list in the Stock Points module.
  2. Click on the Edit button (or by double click on it).
  3. Tick the checkbox  in the This record is extinct button and click OK.

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