How To: Add Comments

How To: Add Comments

This option helps you to record comments, complaints or any other kind of information about a particular item on the bill. This feature helps the user to note some information about the item, while making the bill. You may need to write down the reason for excessive return of a particular item, any spotted defect, if sale has been stopped for some reason etc. 

add comment.mp4


Here you can write 500 characters only.


  1. Item / Items must be present in the bill.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the POS module in GINESYS POS.

  2. Select an item from bill. 

  3. Go to Item (or press key F2) > Add Comment. (Alternatively, you can click on Item Comment in the POS Taskpad (Normal POS) / Delivery Slip Taskpad (POS as Delivery Slip) / Collection Centre Taskpad (POS as Collection Centre).

  4. The Enter Remarks window opens. 

  5. Type the necessary information in the Remarks section.

  6. Click OK.

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