How To: Manage Item Menu in Ginesys POS
The Item Menu contains those functions and modules which are related to items.
This article is a collation of all articles that will enable the creation and management of an Item Menu through GINESYS POS in the mentioned order:
How To: Search an Item using its Name describes how to Search an item by its name.
How To: Search an item using Search by Name with Stock (Slow) describes how to Search an item by its Name. It will show you the item name with the stock quantity. This search process is slower than normal search.
We need to Download an item in GINESYS POS in situations where the document for the particular item has not reached POS but the item is in stock or the customer returns the item to a store where its information is not available. How To: Download an Item describes the process of downloading items from a web database.
Add Command helps you to record comments, complaints, or any other kind of information about a particular item on the bill. How To: Add Comments describes how to add comments for any action in Ginesys POS.
If the HO sets the policy to assign sales person mandatory then at the time of item billing.
How To: Clear Sales Person from a bill describes the process to clear a salesperson from a bill.
How To: Select Order Items for Delivery describes how to select the POS Order Items for delivery.
How To: Deliver POS Orders describes how to deliver the POS Order Items to complete the process.