Troubleshooting (HO)

Troubleshooting (HO)

Currently available articles for this module are:

"HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable" - Error message is showing while user tries to import Excel file in Ginesys webDeepankana RoyFeb 21, 2025
"Invalid URI : The URI is empty "- Error while opening Ginesys Report HomeTech ContributorMar 01, 2021
"GINESYS Report engine not yet configured. Please get in touch with your Administrator or call GINESYS Helpdesk."-Error while opening the Ginesys Report.Tech ContributorMar 01, 2021
Standard Troubleshooting Checklist - Ginesys ReportTech ContributorNov 06, 2020
"License service is either not installed or not running. Please use system manager utility to resolve your issue." - Error while trying to open Ginesys HO Web or DesktopTech ContributorAug 25, 2020
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" - Error message shown while updating through HO AutoUpdaterGinesys Knowledge TeamAug 21, 2020
"The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found."-Error While trying to run any report from Home tab of Ginesys Reports.Tech ContributorJul 11, 2020
Ginesys Web Report Scheduler service is not running or working.Tech ContributorJul 11, 2020
"No Output Generated"-While trying to view any report from Ginesys desktop application to web browser.Tech ContributorJul 11, 2020
"Could not connect to Ginesys Database. Please check the Database setting from GINESYS."--Error while run the Import Excel option from Ginesys Desktop Application.Tech ContributorJul 07, 2020
"Unable to perform backup operation.Oracle export/import utility not found in the specified location.Ginesys backup...from the Ginesys Server not from any Ginesys client".- Error while run the Backup Utility from Ginesys Launchpad.Tech ContributorJul 07, 2020
"The drive or network connection that the shortcut ‘GINESYS.Ink’ refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available"- when trying to open Ginesys LaunchPad from HO workstation.Tech ContributorJul 05, 2020
"Ginesys workstation is not found installed in this system, Ginesys Desktop can run only if Ginesys workstation is installed."- when trying to open Ginesys LaunchPad from HO workstation or terminal.Tech ContributorJul 05, 2020
"ReasonColumn 'InvariantName' is constrained to be unique. Value 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client' is already present." - Error appeared while login in DataExchange Utility.Tech ContributorJun 17, 2020
"Unable to connect to the remote server" or "Tcp channel protocol violation: expecting preamble." - Error while testing Schedule Remoting host connectionTech ContributorJun 15, 2020
"Unable to connect to remote server" - Error message appears in SMS Notification utility log as SMS sending fails where internet proxy is configuredArindam BanerjeeJun 08, 2020
"Error: Unable to initialize for provider System.Data.OracleClient at WebReports.Api.Data.DbConnect.SetDbInfo(DbInfo dbInfo)" - Error message appears while Data Source connection testing fails in Ginesys Report menu.Tech ContributorMay 20, 2020
"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond X.X.X.X:80" - Error while trying to open Ginesys Reports.Tech ContributorMay 20, 2020
"GINESYS Report engine not yet configured or service is not running." - error message showing during Report SYNC while Ginesys runs on HTTPSTech ContributorMay 19, 2020
Unable to Transfer Cash from POS to HO in GinesysDeepankana RoyJan 13, 2020

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