How To: Import report format (.rpt) file for printing POS Reports

How To: Import report format (.rpt) file for printing POS Reports

POS Bills are actually reports and like all other reports they require a proper format to be printed. This article describes how to import report format (.rpt) file for printing POS reports. 

Report layout importer is used to upload the .rpt or .repx files with layout information for Report format purpose.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following two parts:

  1. At HO End:

    1. Get the report format file from Ginesys.

    2. Go to Report Layout Importer in Ginesys Application (POS Management > Utilities > Configure > Report Layout Importer).

    3. Login with credential having template modification permission. 

    4. Once you have logged in, click the Add (to create a new .rpt file) or Edit (to edit an existing .rpt file) button.

    5. Select the Layout File by clicking on the Browse button beside the Select layout file option.

    6. Select the appropriate report layout file.

    7. Fill in the details. 

      Provide the appropriate Layout Name. 

      Note: In case of Editing any .rpt, the layout name might be the same as before.

    8. Then click Save button.

    9. Record saved successfully. - message is displayed.

    10. Next go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Allocation Group.

    11. Select and open the appropriate Allocation Group by double clicking on it.

    12. Go to Report Layouts tab.

    13. Select the appropriate layout from Available Report Layouts list.

    14. Transfer it to the Allocated Report Layouts list.

    15. Save the Allocation by clicking on the Save & Close button.

    16. Go back to the GINESYS Launchpad.

    17. Open Data Sync. Login with valid credentials.

    18. Click on SYNC All button to send the same report layout to all stores or SYNC Select to sync it to a specific store.

  2. At POS end:

    1. Open the POS in Admin mode. Provide valid credentials and login.

    2. Go to Data Exchange and click on Sync.

    3. Now go to POS Terminals, and double-click on the the desired terminal name. This will open the Terminal window.

    4. Go to the Report tab. Click on the Browse button beside the Report Format option. This opens the Report Layout Lookup window.

    5. Select the desired report format from the list and click OK.

    6. In case the printer is attached to another machine, select printer by clicking on the Browse button beside the Printer option. This will open the Printer Lookup window. Choose the desired printer using proper credentials (USERNAME and PASSWORD) which has access to the remote machine.

    7. You also need to mention the Paper Size.

    8. Then select OK.

    9. Re-Login to the software.

    10. Now you can run and print the report in the desired format.

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