How To: Reprint bills

How To: Reprint bills

Sometimes a POS bill might fail to print properly which could be the result of printer issues like ink failure, paper got stuck to the printer etc. Other than printer issues, the customer too might want a reprint of the bill as he might have lost his bill or it was torn while taking the print out etc. Such incidents might result in a situation where you need to reprint the bill. This article describes how to reprint POS bills.


  1. The user’s role must have access to the Reprint feature by enabling the app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles - Normal POS.

  2. You can reprint bills up to the number of days decided by HO.

  3. The system must be connected to a printer.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the POS module in GINESYS POS.

  2. Click on the Bill (or press F4 key) > Reprint option. Search Bills window opens. Alternatively, you can either click on POS Taskpad > Bill Reprint (or press Ctrl+9 keys).

  3. Click on POS Bill option beside the Search criteria.

  4. Enter as many details as possible in the search options. The options are:

    1. Bills within this date range- You need to enter the date range in the From and To fields. Choose your date range from the date picker or the calendar.

    2. Bills of this customer- This will show all the bills that have been issued in the name of a particular customer. You can then select the required bill.

    3. Bill number like the following- If your customer has carried the bill along with him, then you can look for that particular bill by entering the bill number of the customer.

    4. Bills containing the following items- This enables you to search the bill by scanning the barcode of the items.

    5. All bills within this amount range- This will show you all the bills within the price range entered.

  5. Then click on Search.

  6. Select the required bill.

  7. You can view the details of the required bill by clicking on the Bill Detail button.

  8. Click on Reprint button.

  9. The required bill will be printed.

  10. Click on Cancel in the Search Bills window to close the window.

Single Copy Re-Print

Reprint is required rarely and study suggests that reprint is ideally required only for a single copy. So, now at the time of bill reprint only a single copy will get printed. The number of copies of Sale or return bill at the time of creation and save, provided in the Master policy, will not be considered here.

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