Managing POS Customer at Ginesys ERP

Managing POS Customer at Ginesys ERP

Sometimes HO may need to add some POS customers for business purpose. This article describes how to add Customer for POS Site at HO.

 Add POS Customer


  1. In HO, the users' role must have access to the POS Customer feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager - Utilities - Setup - Configure.
  2. The First nameLast name and the Mobile number of the customer must be known.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Web > POS Manager > Setup > POS Customer.
  2. A list of customers of all POS site will open.
  3. Click on Add button.
  4. A window will open to Add Customer.
  5. Fill in the details of the customer present in Identify, Contact Information, Loyalty Information, Remarks tab.
    1. Identify tab:
      1. Personal Information : In the personal information section fill the details of customer's Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender, Religion, Date of Birth, Member Since, Anniversary, Spouse Name, Profession. 

        Note: First Name and Last Name are mandatory fields.

      2. Statutory Information: In the Statutory Information section fill PAN Number, GST Identification Number and Date, GST State.
      3. POS Configuration: In the POS Configuration section you can allow credit sale for customer by checked Allow Credit Sale.

    2. Contact Information tab:

      1. Permanent Address: In this section fill the address details like Address, City, State, District, Country, Pin of customer.
      2. Communication Information: In this section section fill the Email, Mobile, Phone1, Phone2. Select the Receive messages from GINESYS? and Preferred communication mode like SMS Email, Any.

        Note: Mobile is the mandatory field. Email should contains @ and Dot(.)

    3. Loyalty Information:

      1. Loyalty Card Information: Select Loyalty Card Number from the drop down list. The date of Issued on and Valid Up to will be auto populated according to the card. The card may have Discount Benefit or Point Benefit or Both.
    4. Remarks:

      1. You can Add remarks for the customer.

  6. Click on Save & Close button to save the customer's details.
  7. After the customer is created, it must be tagged to a POS site.

 Edit POS Customer


  1. In HO, the users' role must have access to the POS Customer feature by enabling Edit app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager - Utilities - Setup - Configure.
  2. POS Customer must be exist. 

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Web >POS Manager > Setup > POS Customer.
  2. A list of customers of all POS site will open.
  3. Double click on the POS Customer you want to modify.
  4. Customer window will open.
  5. Edit the required fields in all the present tabs.
  6. Click on Save & Close button to save the modified fields. 
 Distribute POS Customer

You need to distribute the POS customer to the various POS site so that the particular site can access those customers. This article describes the process of Distribute POS Customer to the available site from Ginesys HO. 


  1. In HO, the users' role must have access to the POS Customer feature by enabling app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager- Utilities - Setup - Configure.
  2. POS Customer must be exist. 
  3. Site must be created.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Web > POS Manager > Setup > POS Customer.
  2. A list of customers of all POS site will open.
  3. Go to Action > Distribute.
  4. Distribute Customer window will open. 
  5. Put in the Customer's Search Criteria like Customer Type (Mandatory Field) and Card Type or City or Customer Mobile No. etc.
  6. Click on Search button to search the POS customer according to the search criteria.
  7. The search result will be populated in the Customer tab. 
  8. You will get the available sites in the Site tab.
  9. Select the Customer(s) from the Customer tab.
  10. Select the Site(s) where you want to distribute the Customer(s).
  11. Click on the Distribute button to distribute the selected customer to the selected site. 

    Note: All the selected customers can be distributed to all the selected sites at a time.

Important change Version 12.19.0 onward

Ginesys ERP has introduced a new feature designed to make the POS Customer Master more customizable and user-friendly. This enhancement empowers retail managers to tailor the POS interface according to their specific operational needs, offering greater flexibility and control.

Key Features of the Enhancement

Retail managers now have the ability to configure important aspects of the POS Customer Master, giving them more control over how customer data is collected and displayed. The update allows users to adjust the following:

  • Visibility: Users can decide which fields are visible in the POS Customer Master.
  • Mandatory Marking: Control which fields are mandatory based on business requirements. Only two fields are system-mandatory by default: ISD CODE and Mobile.
  • Field Sequence: Users can customize the order of fields, optimizing the customer interface for their specific workflow.

This update is aimed at providing a more adaptable and user-focused experience, making day-to-day customer interactions at the POS smoother and more efficient.

New Customization Capabilities

With the addition of a new App Operation called ‘Settings’, Ginesys Head Office (HO) users can now directly customize the POS Customer Master UI:

  • Path to Access: Ginesys HO → POS Management → Setup → POS Customer → Action Button

  • This new feature affects POS Bill, Delivery Slip, and Collection Centre functions in both Add and Edit customer modes within the Ginesys POS system.

Updates to Mandatory Fields and Configuration

To make the POS interface more streamlined, Ginesys has reduced the number of mandatory fields:

  • Only ISDCODE and Mobile are now system-mandatory.
  • All other fields are customizable, allowing retail managers to decide which fields should be mandatory based on their preferences.

Additionally, the EMR (IS MEMBERSHIP ENABLED) configuration has been simplified. The visibility of the Customer Loyalty field will now depend on the new settings introduced with this update. Retailers can choose whether to display this field or not, making it easier to manage loyalty programs.

Handling the Migration to the New System

To ensure a smooth transition to this new feature, the Settings app operation will not be automatically granted to existing users due to the sensitivity of these configurations. Retail administrators will need to manually assign access to this new feature to specific users.

Initially, all fields in the new settings will be marked as visible to maintain consistency with the existing UI. However, administrators can adjust these settings as needed.

Customer Loyalty Field Visibility Matrix:

  • Ginesys Loyalty Partner: Visible
  • EMR with Membership: Visible
  • EMR without Membership: Not Visible

Impact on Retail Operations

This enhancement impacts Ginesys POS users, particularly in terms of POS Bill, Delivery Slip, and Collection Centre functionalities. Retail managers now have more flexibility in how customer data is collected and displayed, allowing for a more tailored and efficient customer interaction at the POS.

Importantly, there will be no changes to the Zwing Customer Master, as this update only affects Ginesys POS users.

With these updates, retail managers can enjoy a more personalized POS experience, improving the overall efficiency of customer management processes.

To go back to the main page click on the link: How To: Manage Setup in Ginesys Retail

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