Managing Item Hierarchy in Ginesys

Managing Item Hierarchy in Ginesys

Ginesys has a three level Item Hierarchy which allows comprehensive and easy maintenance of item records. The top-most level for item definition is Division, which consists of many Sections and finally Department which is the lower-most group. Together the groups make up an Article which may be subscribed to by Items.

The items and their various characteristics are explained and clarified in the following articles.

The following modules are included in the Item Hierarchy menu.

Group - There is a Hierarchical form of Division, Section and Department of an item in Item Group. Item Group master allows you to add GroupHow To: Add & Edit Groups in the Inventory Group Master

ArticleDivisionSection and Department together define what is called an Article. Management of Article master allows you to add, edit and delete Articles.  - How To: Create, Edit & Delete an Article in the Article Master

ItemThere are many types of item present in Ginesys. Items may be finished, semi-finished or raw material. All types of Item are added in the Item master under department - Managing Items in the Item Master.

The significance of Group/Section/Department sequence is to keep the items in a classified manner to help generate intelligible reports.

To go back to the main page click on Defining Product in Ginesys Inventory

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