Setting Up the Sales and Distribution in Ginesys Web

Setting Up the Sales and Distribution in Ginesys Web

The Setup functionalities of Sales & Distribution module of Ginesys has moved entirely to the Web. The Setup is used to configure the masters used for various sales transactions.

The Setup has the following constituents - 

The Customers are to whom various items are sold - How To: Add, Edit & Delete Customers in Sales and Distribution can be learnt from here. 

The prices of certain items are fixed and specified for certain vendors from a specified date, these details are reflected in the Adding, Editing & Deleting the Price List

Customers can be given credit according to their Credit Rating.

The retailer might make his sales to the specified customer from allocated organization sites for the sake of profitability.

Unmanaged Sites belong to customers who do not run Ginesys connected to a particular retailer.

The Invoice Overheads need to be configured carefully because they will flow to multiple transaction forms in the module.

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