Managing Put Away in Ginesys WMS Mobile Application

Managing Put Away in Ginesys WMS Mobile Application

When the goods supplied to the warehouse is segregated into various bins, stored to be sent to other retail sites to be sold to end consumers or returned to suppliers for some reason - this action of segregating supplied goods into bins is known as Put Away. This article describes the process of manage Put Away from Ginesys WMS Mobile Application. 


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. The Ginesys WMS Mobile Application must be installed in the mobile or the device. 

  3. The bins must be defined the Bin Master.

  4. Items must be present in the Item Master.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the Put Away tab. 

  2. Select the Current Bin. 

  3. After selecting the bin, you will get the Available Capacity and the Bin No.

  4. Now scan the items you want to put in the bin scanning the item barcode in Scan Item field.

  5. The scanned items will be listed and you will get a total Scanned Qty.

  6. Click on the Save button.

  7. You will get a confirmation message - "Are you sure you want to create put away for the scanned item(s)?"

  8. If you click on Confirm, then you will get a the message - "Put Away generated successfully!<Put Away No.>"

  9. If you click on Continue, you will get back to the main Dashboard again. 

Suppose user needs to pick 10 pcs of an item from a particular bin. If user has scanned all 10 pcs, there is an expectation to confirm it automatically, else user would need to manually click on save. Ginesys has automated this with a setting in app which will only work if marked as “Auto”.

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