Adding, Editing & Exporting to Excel Bin Master

Adding, Editing & Exporting to Excel Bin Master



  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Bin Master feature in Inventory - WMS - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Bin Group Master must be created.

  3. Bin Assortment may be created (optional).

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Inventory - WMS - Setup - Bin Master. This will open the Bin Master module.

  2. Click on the Add button. This will open the Add Bin window.


  3. Fill in the details in the following fields - 

    1. Bin No.: Must have a unique identifier. Duplicate Bin Numbers are not allowed.

    2. Sequence No.: Must also have a unique identifier. Duplicate Sequence Numbers are prohibited.

    3. Group: Displays the group hierarchy, allowing users to select the desired group.

    4. Assortment Name: Shows a list of created Assortment Names for selection.

    5. Capacity: Allows users to specify the Bin's capacity, defining the maximum quantity it can store.

    6. Default: Enables users to mark a Bin as the default by selecting the checkbox. Only one Bin can be set as default in the Bin Master.

    7. Allow Reservation: If checked, stock can be reserved from this Bin through Stock Reservation functionality.

    8. Remarks: Provides a field for users to add any necessary comments or notes.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Modify app operation in the Bin Master feature in Inventory - WMS - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select a bin and and click on the Edit option (from the Actions menu) or double click on the record. The Edit Bin window opens.

  2. You can edit all the fields here.

  3. Once done, click on Save.

  4. Record saved successfully. - message will be displayed.


  1. The user will have default access to the operation only if the users' role has access to the Modify app operation in the Bin Master feature in Inventory - WMS - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security


  1. Select a bin and and click on the Set as Default option (from the Actions menu).


  1. The user will have default access to the operation only if the users' role must have access to the Modify app operation in the Bin Master feature in Inventory - WMS - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select any bin and and click on the Set Sequence option (from the Actions menu). It opens the Set Sequence window.

  2. Drag and drop the bins at proper positions to rearrange their sequence.

  3. Once done, click Save.

  4. Record sequenced successfully. - message will be displayed.

To know how to manage Bin Assortment - Adding, Editing and Deleting the Bin Assortment

User can download an excel file of total record of the Bin Master through Export to Excel.

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Inventory - WMS - Setup - Bin Master.

  2. Go to the Actions > Export to Excel.

  3. User will get a notification - "Excel Exported Successfully."

  4. One excel file will be downloaded containing the total record of the Bin master.

To go back to the main page click on Setting up the Bin Master

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