Adding & Editing Sub Ledger - Employee in Ginesys HO
Any commercial organization unavoidably has financial interactions with its employees and thus it is considered a sub-ledger. Companies may both buy from and sell to their employees, such transactions can be reflected in Sub ledger - Employee. All the transactions of each employee are recorded in the respective sub-ledger. This ledger is called Sub Ledger Employee.
This article describes how to manage Sub Ledger - Employee in Ginesys HO.
Note: One time master creation for section 194Q has to be done manually with tagging of all eligible TDS source and their respective TDS rate.
Reflection in Vendor Master
Under TDS Information block, a new column has been introduced for TDS Type in Vendor, Customer, Employee and Other sub ledger master.
The TDS Name can be quickly chosen by the new TDS Type column in the drop-down list.
Note: One time effort is to be applied to mark the eligible vendors for TDS Applicable and specify the Exception Limit for the year.
Check: Sum of Invoice value already created during this year, needs to deducted from maximum exception limit, for respective vendors.
Ex: If total value of Invoice raised till 30th June is 20Lacsfor a given vendor, then exception limit for that Vendor should be 30Lacs i.e.(50L - 20L). From next year Limit should be on full value i.e. 50Lacs.
Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards.
From version 12.18.0 - We've introduced a new field in the Sub Ledger Masters “Transporter ID.” Now id with ‘88’ could be save in this field. This information will be used specifically for generating E-Way bills via integration, significantly streamlining the process.
Transition handling: Following this update, the users that have transporter’s with id as ‘88’ should capture the same in the new field to utilize the integration of E-way bill. Others can continue as-is without any change.
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