Adding & Editing Sub Ledger - Employee in Ginesys HO

Adding & Editing Sub Ledger - Employee in Ginesys HO

Any commercial organization unavoidably has financial interactions with its employees and thus it is considered a sub-ledger. Companies may both buy from and sell to their employees, such transactions can be reflected in Sub ledger - Employee. All the transactions of each employee are recorded in the respective sub-ledger. This ledger is called Sub Ledger Employee.

This article describes how to manage Sub Ledger - Employee in Ginesys HO. 


  1. The user's role must have access to the Sub Ledgers - Employee feature by enabling the Add application operation in Admin - Security - Roles through Finance - Setup - Chart of Account.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Chart of Account > Sub Ledger - Employee.

  2. Sub Ledger - Employee module opens.

  3. Click on Add button.

  4. Add Sub Ledger - Employee window opens.

  5. Fill the Employee ID and Name (both are Mandatory Field) in the Employee Information section.

  6. In the Detail Information section you will get two tabs - General and Finance.

The General tab contains the sections like - General, Goods & Service Tax DetailsBilling Details and Shipping Details etc. 


The General section includes the following fields:

Sub-ledger employee General.PNG

Fields and their Descriptions

Class Name - This field allows users to choose the Class Name for their sub-ledger from the drop-down. This is a mandatory field.

Class Type - This field displays the Class Type. This field auto-populates as soon as you select the Class Name. In this case, this will always display Other.
AR Ledger - This field allows you to choose the ledger whose sub-ledger it would be. Here, the values have to be selected from a drop-down list.
Cheque Label - This field records the Account name which will be used to draw cheques for payment. It could be the name of a particular person or an organization. 
PAN - This field records the PAN number of the person for whom the sub-ledger is being created.
Transporter Name - This field helps you to choose the transporter name from the drop-down list.
Remarks - This is a text-only field. It allows you to note any needed information about the sub-ledger.

Goods & Service Tax Details

This section includes the following fields:

Fields and their Descriptions

GST Category - This field allows you to choose the GST category of the sub-ledger. This is a mandatory field.

GST Identification No. - This field displays the GST Identification No. The GSTIN No. should be exactly 15 digits. This field also includes a date field, which allows you to select the date of the GSTIN number.

GST State - This field fills its value automatically after entering the GST Identification No.

Billing Details - This is where the bill or invoice will be sent



Fields and their Descriptions

Contact person - This has two related fields: 

Name (name of the contact person) and 

Mobile Number (mobile number of the contact person).  

Address - This has seven (7) related fields:

  • Address

  • City

  • Std. Code

  • District

  • State

  • Pin Code

  • Country

AddressCity, and Pincode are user inputs; however, City can be selected from the lookup.
The Std. CodeState, and Country fields are automatically displayed on the selection of City.
Phone Number - In this section, three (3) Office numbers of the person or entity can be recorded along with his Fax Number and his Residence Number.
Email - This section has the option of recording two (2) email IDs of the person or entity.
Website - The person or entity's website link can be recorded here.

Shipping Details 



Fields and their Descriptions

Contact person - This has two related fields: 

Name (name of the contact person) and 

Mobile Number (mobile number of the contact person).  

Address - This has seven (7) related fields:

  • Address

  • City

  • Std. Code

  • District

  • State

  • Pin Code

  • Country

AddressCity, and Pincode are user inputs; however, City can be selected from the lookup.
The Std. CodeState, and Country fields are automatically displayed on the selection of City.
Phone Number - In this section, three (3) Office numbers of the person or entity can be recorded along with his Fax Number and his Residence Number.
Email - This section has the option of recording two (2) email IDs of the person or entity.
Website - The person or entity's website link can be recorded here.
Copy Billing Address (button) - The button allows copying of the Billing Address details into the corresponding fields to avoid redundancy.

The Finance tab allows you to make transactions using the ledgers. You will get two sections under the Finance tabs - Allow to transact with these Ledgers and Applicable Sites.



Allow to transact with these Ledgers:

Apart from the AR/AP ledger, if the customer has to do other financial transaction, then the respective ledger needs to be tagged in this block. Only the General type ledgers selected here will be allowed for transaction with the selected customer. The Add Row button allows you to add a blank row at the bottom of the list.

Fields and their Descriptions

General Ledger Name - The values in this field are selected from a drop-down list, which displays the NameType, and Site Applicable of the non-extinct General nature ledgers.

Extinct - If selected, it will extinct the tagging of the respective Sub Ledger with the customer.

Applicable Sites

The Applicable Sites tab allows you to select sites for the sub ledger.



Fields and their Descriptions

Site Name - This displays the selected sites applicable for the selected Sub Ledger. The site can be selected through the Select Site button.

Site Type - This displays the site type of applicable sites.

Extinct - Since selected sites cannot be deleted, the Extinct option has been provided. If required the Sub Ledger - Site tagging can be made extinct.

Select Site (Button) - On clicking this button, the Select Site window opens which lists all sites and site types from which the user can select the sites for which the selected Sub Ledger will be applicable.
On clicking the Populate button, the selected sites populate in the main window.


  • Applicable sites will be enabled only for the selected ledgers that are Site-applicable.

  • Applicable sites are tagged to selected Sub Ledger.

  • At least one site selection is mandatory if the site is applicable for the selected sub-ledger.

  • Multiple site selection allowed.


Although it is customary to deduct TDS for services rendered, yet jobbers and other service providers often apply and get certain relaxations on the TDS rate based on various criteria. These are attested by the exception certificates awarded by the government to a specific service provider for a particular financial year. Such details of a service provider is captured in the Exception Details section of the TDS tab.
The TDS Applicable checkbox needs to be checked to enable the TDS window.

Specify TDS Source- The source name for TDS calculation must be selected mandatorily from the drop down box. The source name is an identifier for the different TDS heads of Corporate and Non Corporate type. It is displayed from TDS Source Definition.



TDS Information

Fields and their Descriptions

Add Row (Button) - It adds a blank row at the bottom of the list.
TDS Name - Name of the tax to be deducted from TDS Section Definition.
Section - Display field which is automatically populated once the TDS name is selected.

Exception Details

Fields and their Descriptions

Date From - The Date field must take a value within the current financial year. Only the last date entry TDS-wise can be modified.

Date To - The Date field must take a value within the current financial year. Only the last date entry TDS-wise can be modified.
            Note: Date From ≦ Date To

Certificate No. - The Government of India issues a Certificate to some entities for Lower Deduction of TDS. The Certificate Number allows you to capture this detail, if present. Duplicate number is not allowed.

Max Limit - The maximum amount till which the exception rate of TDS provided in the next column will be applicable. Example: The TDS Rate for a commercial entity maybe 5% for up to ₹ 200,000.00 and above the limit a general rate of 10% may be applicable.

TDS Rate - The rate at which the TDS will be deducted as long as the service amount is within the exception limit.


It cannot be:

  • Zero

  • Negative

  • Blank - if Maximum Limit has been provided



  1. The user's role must have access to the Sub Ledgers - Employee feature by enabling Edit application operation in Admin - Security - Roles through Finance - Setup - Chart of Account.

  2. Sub Ledger - Employee must be created. 

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Chart of Account > Sub Ledger - Employee.

  2. Sub Ledger - Employee module opens with the list of previously created ledgers.

  3. Select the ledger you want to edit.

  4. Go to Action > Edit or double click on the selected ledger.

  5. Edit Sub Ledger Employee window will open.


  6. All the data will be populated.

  7. Edit the required field.

  8. Click on the Save button to save the modified record.

  • Note: One time master creation for section 194Q has to be done manually with tagging of all eligible TDS source and their respective TDS rate.

Reflection in Vendor Master
  • Under TDS Information block, a new column has been introduced for TDS Type in Vendor, Customer, Employee and Other sub ledger master.

  • The TDS Name can be quickly chosen by the new TDS Type column in the drop-down list.

  • Note: One time effort is to be applied to mark the eligible vendors for TDS Applicable and specify the Exception Limit for the year. 

    • Check: Sum of Invoice value already created during this year, needs to deducted from maximum exception limit, for respective vendors. 

    • Ex: If total value of Invoice raised till 30th June is 20Lacsfor a given vendor, then exception limit for that Vendor should be 30Lacs i.e.(50L - 20L). From next year Limit should be on full value i.e. 50Lacs.

Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards.


From version 12.18.0 - We've introduced a new field in the Sub Ledger Masters “Transporter ID.” Now id with ‘88’ could be save in this field. This information will be used specifically for generating E-Way bills via integration, significantly streamlining the process.

Transition handling: Following this update, the users that have transporter’s with id as ‘88’ should capture the same in the new field to utilize the integration of E-way bill. Others can continue as-is without any change.

To go back to the main page click on the link : How To: Manage Setup in Ginesys Finance

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