Add Customers in mPOS

Add Customers in mPOS

Zwing mPOS allows you to add new customers or tag existing customers while billing. You can update additional customer information, including GST details and the default preference for Sales or Tax Invoice.

Tag Existing Customer

Follow these steps to tag any existing customer to a bill:

  1. Tap on the Tag Customer button on the Cart page.

  1. Simply enter the search term in the search box and tap on the Search button. This will return a list of customers with matching parameters.


If no matching results are found, tap the Add New Customer button to add a new customer. In case the customer refuses to provide information, tap Tag with Dummy Info instead.

  1. To add the required customer to the bill, simply tap on the corresponding row. In the dialog that appears, tap the Add to Bill option to set the invoice type to Sales Invoice. If you prefer to generate a Tax Invoice, tap the Tax Invoice option instead.


Congratulations! You have successfully tagged the Customer to the bill.

In case you wish to access additional options to update customer information, view account details, change Tax Invoice preference, and add GST details, tap the Customer Name or Customer icon towards the top of the page.


This will open the Tagged Customer details page where you can perform these additional actions.


Add New Customer

Follow these steps to tag a new customer to a bill:

  1. Tap on the Tag Customer button on the Cart page.

  1. In the Tag Customer page, tap on the Add New Customer at the bottom.

  1. This will open up the Create Customer form, that you have created and configured with the Zwing POS Connected App in Customer Service.

  1. Enter the required details, then tap on the Submit button to tag the customer to the bill.


The customer details have been saved, and the customer is successfully tagged to the bill.

Tag Customer with Dummy Information

In case the customer refuses to share their information during billing, you can tag a dummy customer to the bill to start billing - in a single click. Simply tap on the Tag with Dummy Info button on Cart page.


Dummy Customer is successfully tagged to the bill.


Remove Customer from Bill

In case you need to remove the tagged customer from current bill, please follow these steps:

  1. On the Cart page, tap the Customer Name or Customer icon towards the top of the page.

  1. From the Tagged Customer page, tap on the Remove from Bill button at the bottom.


The customer has been successfully removed from the bill.


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