GET Stock of Delta SKUs

GET Stock of Delta SKUs

API to fetch the stock of SKUs where stock has a delta in the given time range.


GET http://app.browntape.com/0.11/skus/delta.json

Note: the API version here is 0.11


?modified_from=2021-07-15 //<-- Expected UTC date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss &modified_to=2021-07-20 //<-- Expected UTC date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss &warehouse_id=53510 &page=1

Success Response

{   "status_code": 200,   "success": true,   "result_count": 1,   "data": [     {       "Sku": {         "custom_code": "Demo106",         "id": "10569426"       },       "SkusClosingStock": {         "closing_stock": "108",         "closing_pending_stock": "0",         "created": "2021-07-16 12:59:51",         "modified": "2021-07-16 12:59:51",         "warehouse_id": "53510"       }     }   ],   "server": "" }


This API is paginated at 100 records. You can keep incrementing the `page` param till you get 0 results.


  • `warehouse_id` needs to belong to the company identified by the api auth

  • `modified_from` cannot be greater than `modified_to`

  • `modified_to` will default to current UTC time if not passed

  • `page` will default to 1 if not passed

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