We have provided a feature to additional fields in the sku/view page. For clients using GinesysV2 integration we have provided a way to automate this information flow from ERP to OMS.
The following are the steps to be followed when creating an item (app.allocation.item.added) and updating items (item.updated).
Step : 1
Attribute Creation
Same as the steps provided in Managing Additional SKU Information with SKU Attributes
Create the attributes in the Inventory > setup >inventorySettings page.
Scroll down to the section where you can create attributes. and map them against the type of data (String, date, numeric)
Note : You can add up to 15 attributes. There is no option to delete the attributes once it is created.
The above added attributes will be added in skus/view page. Scroll down to see the additional attributes. Click on the (+) icon.
Step : 2
Integration Mapping
Login to the admin account in Admin > ERP Admin > Integrations
Locate the company id and click on Actions > Edit settings
The Json that is added has to be in a proper format involving the ERP resource codes, for eg :
"sku_attribs_mapping": {
"description1": "hsc_code",
"description2": "secondary_title"
The fields : description1, description2, category1_name etc should be mapped to the attribute name which is added in the above steps. The same can be found in the ‘Sku Allowed Atrib’ as shown below.
Validate this json before saving since the values will not populate once the calls are triggered.
Author: Saif Khan