Integrating Fedex Courier in BT
Prerequisites of Adding the FedEx Courier in Browntape
All the details mentioned below needs to be provided by the FedEx team via email before integrating the courier in Browntape
Ø Meter number with the courier
Ø Key with the courier
Ø Password with the courier
Ø Account number with the courier
Ø Services
To add FedEx API courier in Browntape
Login to Browntape.
Hover on the Shipments icon and click on Couriers
Click on +Add Couriers present in the green box.
Once you click on +Add Couriers, a pop up will appear. Here in the drop down select the courier type i.e FedEx.
Once you have selected FedEx, here all the details have to be filled i.e
Your Meter number with the courier
Your Key with the courier
Your Password with the courier
Your Account number with the courier
Click on Save once all the details have been entered.
There you go, you have successfully added the FedEx Courier in Browntape.