Enabling Scan & Print Feature
Steps for enabling Scan & Print Feature
Kindly inform the assigned account Manager to get the Scan & Print feature enabled.
Once the Scan & Print feature is enabled, we need to proceed ahead with settings up the Printers, Please follow the steps mentioned below for the same.
Click on the mentioned link or can also navigate through the app for enabling Silent Printing Option.
Link: https://app.browntape.com/companies/order_settings
Steps: Login to Browntape → click on Accounts → Click on Orders → Order Settings → Upon scrolling down the page Silent Printing option will be seen, kindly enable the same.Once Silent Printing toggle is turned ON, upon scrolling down the same page, there is a section of Scan & Print, click on “link to setting” as seen in the screenshot below.
Upon clicking on Link to Settings, we get redirected to Scan & Print Settings Page where we need to select the default Thermal Printer and the default A4 Printer and save.
Along with that we need to also select the type of printer we want to use for Label and Invoice Printing.
Please note that Thermal Printer needs to be selected for label Printing and for Invoice Printing we can either select Thermal Printer or A4 Printer.
Please do not change any values of Scan Personalisation feature unless it is required.