Generation of E-invoice via Standard Excel
Format name:- Standard_Excel_Upload_173
Search the Webpage Easemygst in browser and login with your credentials.
On the dashboard, Select the einvoice-EWB app and click on process now.
Select the transformation as Standar_Excel_Upload_173Column.
Click on Download option to download a sample template. And you can use the Add File option to upload the file here.
Now open the template file and fill the data as per the invoice.
Now after filling all the data, save the file and go to EMG Upload Page (refer to point 4). Select the data file and click on Initiate Process.
Now, the log window will appear, and the file which you have uploaded will be visible. You have to click on the EYE (View) button to open the invoice.
The invoice will get opened, click on it. The IRN will be visible if there will be no errors.
Now you can download the PDF or the IRN Report by clicking on the report button.