Find Special Characters in JSON file
Find Special Characters in JSON file
Download and install the Notepad ++ for the latest version.
Link:- .
Now open the JSON file in which you want to find the special character and copy it.
Open Notepad ++ > Click on File > Click on New and paste the copied Data.
Now click on Plugin button > JSON Viewer > Format JSON.
If there will be any special character or any unnecessary space, the Compilation will get stopped at that point automatically.
Click on OK and remove the Extra space by doing the backspace on next character. Now, Format the JSON again (same as step 4).
If still there will be any space or special character, it will again give the same error. Then, repeat the same as we did in point 5. Otherwise, the JSON will be formatted.
Now the JSON is error free and you can save it by clicking on File Button > Save As.
Kindly note that the file should be saved in JSON format only.
10. Now the file is ready to upload on EMG.