How To: Print the closing points in cash memo

How To: Print the closing points in cash memo

This knowledge base can be used to print the Closing points in cash Memo. The Closing points become important to the Customer at the POS because he needs to keep a track of the points he has redeemed as well as the redeemable points left to him. For the Retailer, it is a record of the points left to be redeemed.

The feature was released in 1.40.0 .


The POS Bill template provided by GINESYS, already has the provision for printing the Closing points. But it still may not reflect the Closing points, if the configuration is not done properly.

Step-by-step guide



Go to POS Terminals  and select each of the intended terminals individually and click Edit

In the Terminals  screen, go to the Report tab.

Check the box beside 'Print Closing Loyalty Points from web' prompt. Click on OK .

Then, on printing any POS bill, i.e., on saving/reprinting, the closing points from web for the selected customer/card will be retrieved.


  •          POS mode must be set to 'Normal POS' or 'Collection Centre'
  •          Easy Rewardz should not be integrated
  •          Customer's Card must be tagged in the POS bill
  •          Even if retrieval is set to Yes, the new closing point from web can be printed only after report changes is done from GINESYS end.

Important information


  • The closing point won't reflect the points earned in that bill until the bill information is synced to head office.
  • The closing point will be printed in the POS bill as "Closing Loyalty Points: ". There will be a note at the bottom of the bill: "Disclaimer: The closing points shown above are available for redemption. The points earned in this bill (if any) will be added to the closing points within 24 hours."


  • In the event of internet failure, the web database would not be connected. In this scenario, the system will wait for 10 seconds and if can't connect, bill will be printed without the closing point.
  • A new customer is created and a loyalty card with point benefit is assigned to him.
  • If no customer is tagged to the POS bill
  • If customer is tagged but no loyalty card with point benefit is assigned to him.
  • 'Print Closing Points from Web' is not set to yes in the POS terminal.

ASSUMPTION: At the time of reprint it might happen that the Closing is shown adding the points earned in this bill. So the disclaimer will become invalid and might confuse the operators/customer.

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