How To: View the item images in store
The cashiers and store operators often need to identify an item clearly for many purposes. An image of the item helps in clearer and faster identification. This article helps to view the item images at POS.
- The store has to have a working internet connection.
- The Web API has to be setup in Ginesys Web in HO.
- The changes in Policy have to be synced to the store.
- Public IP and necessary configuration to make the web application published so that the same can be accessed over Internet. This publishing to be taken care by user company based on their Network infrastructure.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
- Sync from POS.
- Check the Master Policy >System Settings > Display Item Image at POS based on.
Depending upon the value of the Display Item Image at POS based on policy -
Note: The policy has 3 possible values -
- None - On clicking on the Image option, the user will be shown a message to contact the administrator for enabling this option.
Local - Image will be shown directly from the application folder at store end. Images should be saved manually to store server. The item images folder must be kept under the Ginesys POS folder.
HO end procedure for local item image
Note: Images need to be created and uploaded in the master by creating new items or editing existing ones and then syncing it to POS.
HOAPI - Based on the API configuration done for accessing Head Office, system will automatically show the image from Head Office.
Default behavior for item image if image is not present
Note: In case no image is available for the Item or Image convention is not set for the Item, system will show "No Image found" by default.
Now, go to any functionality (POS / Back Office) where item selection is available.
Note: The item image can be viewed in three places - Item search and billing area of POS screen and Item master in POS Back Office.- Click on View Image button to view the image of the item.