How To: Use the Master DB Tool

How To: Use the Master DB Tool

When Master, Model or MSDB database templates get corrupted, the GINESYS Master DB Tool can be used to rectify the issue. To know which of your DB templates got corrupted please follow the given path - Start menu > Run > Event viewer > Windows logs > Application > Error

Follow the steps given to use the Master DB Tool



Locate the Master DB Tool from the GINESYSPOS folder.

Right click on it and select the Run as administrator option.

Stop the SQLSERVER service; from the dropdown. Find out the service name from Database Locator.exe.

Provide the System Administrator Password generally (sa@123)

Select the Correction Mode as Rebuild in the first tab.

Clicking on the Next button takes you to the Step 2.


Step 2: Correction Mode is 'Rebuild' -

Click Next

The templates will then be rebuilt automatically, just click Yes.


Now you need to Start the SQL Service and attach your POS database to it.

So click on the Start button as shown.

Then select the .mdf file from the proper location.

<Ginesys Installation Drive>\Program Files (x86)\GSL\GINESYS POS\Data\NPOS.mdf

Now click Open.


Now click on Attach and then click on Close.


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