Release Notes 1.118.4

Release Notes 1.118.4


Release Date

HO Version11.118.4
POS Version 1.118.4
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.6
Features & Enhancements 07
Bug Fixes 00

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

1 26883 GIN-I-1263

GIN-I-1263 Search By Name With Stock window to be opened in multiple POS transaction windows


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Packet
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Audit - Cycle Count
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Point Transfer 

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier the Search By Name With Stock window only opened in POS and there was no access to it through any Back Office module. But since these back office modules also deal with items, The window has been made available there too.



2 26899 GIN-I-1264

GIN-I-1264 The Select-Item window will remain expanded in a POS session unless manually restored


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Delivery Slip
POS - POS as Collection Centre 

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier after expanding the Select Item window, if the window was closed and re-opened, it reopened with a restored view. Now if the expanded Select Item window is closed, it will reopen with the same expanded view.


This feature will allow the user to refrain from clicking on the expand view button every time, offering better view of the items.

3 27937 GIN-I-1265

GIN-I-1265 Terminal number will now be displayed in Searched Bills from all places


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Delivery Slip
POS - POS as Collection Centre 

Enhancement Summary:

Now there is a column for display of Terminal Number from which the bills have been saved.


This feature will help in identification of bills of identical value made in different terminals at the same time, especially for bill reprint / void or similar actions performed from a different terminal.

4 27938 GIN-I-1266

GIN-I-1266 Bill time will now be displayed in Searched Bills from all places


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Delivery Slip
POS - POS as Collection Centre 

Enhancement Summary:

 Now there is a column for display of Bill Time at which the bills have been saved.


This feature will help in identification of bills of identical value made in different terminals at the same time, especially for bill reprint / void or similar actions performed from a different terminal.

527939  GIN-I-1267

GIN-I-1267 Quick option to increment quantity in scanned items grid of the POS bill


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Delivery Slip
POS - POS as Collection Centre 

Enhancement Summary:

Now there is a option to quickly increase the quantity of already scanned items in the grid. Select the item and then press + to open a popup dialog box and enter the required quantity of item. Then press + again to move out of the popup box.


This feature will come in handy when the customer adds more quantity of the scanned commodity to the shopping cart.


GIN-I-1268 Item name field has been made wider and is also displayed at the bottom of the Select Item window for better visibility.


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Packet
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Audit - Cycle Count
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Point Transfer 

POS - Normal POS

POS - POS as Delivery Slip

POS - POS as Collection Centre 

Enhancement Summary:

Item names can now clearly be seen in the Select Item window as the field has been made wider and the full name is also displayed at the bottom left hand corner of the window.




GIN-I-1269 Search option for items scanned in POS Bill


POS - Normal POS

POS - POS as Delivery Slip

POS - POS as Collection Centre  

Enhancement Summary:

 Now items can be searched in the scanned items in POS Bill

Press Shift+8 or *

The Scan mode changes to Search mode and the following message is displayed - Item Search mode is activated. Scanned item will not be added. The search box takes on a yellowish tinge.

Now use any search criteria, like item name or its part or barcode or item description.

Please note that it is a wrapped search. That is, when Enter is pressed it automatically moves to the next item which satisfies the criteria.


Whenever a particular item needs to be searched quickly in a long scanned item list, this feature will be useful.