Release Notes 1.131.1

Release Notes 1.131.1


Release Date

 11 October 2017

HO Version 11.131.1
POS Version 1.131.1
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 01
Bug Fixes 04

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

134023  GIN-I-1439

GIN-I-1439 Receive all as short button added to Item Reconciliation


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Goods Receive 

Enhancement Summary:

A new button has been added in the Item Reconciliation window called Receive all as short to allow users to receive packets easily in case they are short of sent quantity.


Sometimes large packets with multiple number of items can be lost in transit or while reconciling the user may commit to save the document by clicking on OK. In such cases, to avoid the cumbersome and tedious process of receiving such packets, this feature may be used.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 28552 N.A.

28552 Wrong message showing when trying to save stock transfer entry in edit mode


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Point Transfer 

Reported Version:



1. In your current policy settings make Allow back dated entry upto (in days) = 0 in Retail Management in Ginesys Web and sync it to POS. 
2. Now create a stock transfer entry.
3. Retrieve the same entry in edit mode.
4. Now change the document date to previous date. Try to save.
5. Observe that it shows a wrong message - "Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list."
2 28907N.A.

28907 Wrong data is being saved for POS Bill Modification


POS - Back office - POS control - Bill modification 

Reported Version:



1. Bill an item.
2. Go to the  payment screen.
3. Pay entirely through the credit card.
4. Input credit card number. (Here we can observe 'valid upto' is optional) 
5. Put a number in 'valid upto' & remove it .Now close the credit card information window & save the transaction.
6. Go to POS bill modification, observe that the front slash is wrongly being displayed along with credit card number.
3 33988N.A.

33988 Categories are showing duplicate record in Analytics Report 


POS - Back Office - Stock - Analytics Report Layouts - Report Type 

Reported Version:

11.130.0 - PGB-436-71703


1. Open stock analytics reports.
2. Open stock movement (report type).
3. Under report parameter select the option Selective Items then select Item Criteria.
4. Now open Category.
5. Here we can observe same category being shown multiple times.
4 34000N.A.

34000 The group total sum of Cash, Voucher, Credit etc is showing wrong values in Cashier wise Collection Summary section of Daily Summary Report


POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary Report

Reported Version:

11.130.3 - TAP-381-60778 


1. Open Daily Summary Report.
2. Deselect all check boxes except POS Cashier Summary.
3. In case of more than one cashiers or users; the collection total of cashiers / users are showing wrong values.




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