Setting up the Mobile Wallet

Setting up the Mobile Wallet

Mobile wallets, the mode of payment of choice for the digital generation, are essentially digital versions of traditional wallets that are carried in the pockets of their users. While there are many variations, usually they can hold digital information about credit and debit cards for making payments and more.

In the wake of demonetization and promotion of cashless economy for digitized India, many companies are jumping into the mobile payments bandwagon and the industry is continuously changing. It has become imperative for many of our users to gain the flexibility of allowing payments through third party mobile wallets. 

In view of the above situation, GINESYS is integrating the mobile wallet as a new mode of payment to cater to the needs of our users.

What transactions can be done through mobile wallet payment?

Mobile wallets would be available in the following POS transactions –

  • POS Bill/Collection Center
  • Deposit Bill
  • Gift Voucher Issue

Can multiple wallets be used to make a single payment through GINESYS?

Usage of multiple wallets to make payment in any of the POS transaction is restricted. Only one wallet can be used in any POS transaction to make payment.

Is customer selection mandatory for payment through mobile wallet?

Customer selection is not mandatory in any of the POS transactions mentioned above, in order to make payment, using a mobile wallet.

Is it necessary to use a mobile number registered with GINESYS to pay through mobile wallets?

A mobile number registered with adequate wallet balance in either PAYTM or MOBIKWIK is all that is required to make payment.

Customers can also use any other registered mobile number in the wallets apart from the registered mobile number in Ginesys to make payment.

How will customers make payments using mobile wallets in POS stores?

Payment with MOBIKWIK - 
  • It is a two way process, where an OTP request is generated initially.
  • The OTP would be sent to the mobile number provided by the customer.
  • Payment can be made once the OTP is validated successfully.
Payment with PAYTM -  
  • Unlike MOBIKWIK, in PAYTM, the customer has to provide the mobile number as well as the time bound OTP code generated from the PAYTM mobile app.
  • Customers can generate the time bound OTP code by opening the PAYTM App > Pay or Send Money > Show Code.
  • Note - Internet connectivity in the mobile is not required to generate the code.
  • The payment status verification can be done by the cashier through the Check Status button provided in the Wallet Payment window. This would confirm to the cashier whether the payment made was successful or failure. 
Payment with JioMoney -  
  • Just like PAYTM, the customer has to provide the mobile number as well as the time bound OTP code generated from the JioMoney mobile app.
  • Customers can generate the time bound OTP code by opening the JioMoney App > Pay or Send Money > Show Code.
  • Note - Internet connectivity in the mobile is not required to generate the code.

Are there any restrictions in this mode of payment?

  • Once, payment amount is withdrawn from wallet account, the following operations are restricted – 
    1. Going back to POS bill window from MOP window is restricted. Cashier must to save the transaction.
    2. Clear payments would not be allowed.
  • Changing amount of Wallet MOP from POS Bill Modification window is restricted.

How will the cashier make Returns & Void Bills where payment has been made using mobile wallet?

Return Bill -

In case of sale return where payment has been made using mobile wallet, Credit Note would be issued.

Void Bill -

In case, a POS bill or a Deposit bill is made void, Ginesys POS would automatically initiate the refund process and wallet MOP amount would be refunded in the respective wallet account.

Mobile Wallet Configurations

The default configurations for the Mobile Wallet MOP is supplied by GINESYS to its users. These settings can then be modified by users as and when they require. Currently, GINESYS is integrated with PayTM and Mobikwik and shortly will integrate with other third party mobile wallets.

The integration between a mobile wallet and Ginesys license is done, using the MOP short code. Each third party wallet uses a different and unique shortcode. 

Mobile wallets can be configured both globally and in POS store specific manner. 

To configure a mobile wallet:

  1. During the addition of new MOP, on clicking the Config button beside the Mobile Wallet MOP - a new window opens - Configuration for MOP Type: Mobile Wallet.
  2. Here the user can either browse and select a configuration file downloaded from GINESYS provided link  and click on Upload button to load the configuration names and values. The user can also manually enter configuration names and values in the same grid by adding rows.
  3. In the Site Allocation tab each site allocated has a Config button which opens up the same window.
  4. In the Site Master, Mode of Payment tab; if an assigned Wallet type (WLT) MOP is selected, then the Config button at the bottom is enabled and on clicking it the previously mentioned window opens. However, it has a button Show Wallet MOP Configuration which opens the wallet configuration set in MOP master. 


Significance of Mobile Wallet Configuration & Site specific configuration

Providing mobile wallet configuration details at MOP level is a generic approach of configuring a mobile wallet.

But there is also provision of site specific wallet configuration. In order to do that, the wallet configuration has to be provided from the site allocation tab in the MOP window. Once the site specific configuration is provided for a POS store, it would have the highest priority in that store. Software would override the generic wallet configuration and use the site specific configuration.

Process of allocation of mobile wallets in POS store is same as any other MOP.

Please watch the video to see how to configure Mobile Wallet in HO:

Mobile Wallets integrated with Ginesys

PayTM Mobile Wallet Default Configuration

Mobikwik Mobile Wallet Default Configuration

JioMoney Mobile Wallet Default Configuration

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